NFL Draft Diamonds

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Draft Diamonds Free Agent Interview: DJ Abnar, Running Back

DJ Abnar was a solid running back at Liberty and is still looking for a shot. He recently sat down with Justin Berendzen, check it out.

Hello I am @jrberendzen on Twitter and this is one of my free agent interviews where I ask very deserving free agents questions about the players themselves and about what a team would get in these players. All of these players should get picked up by NFL and CFL teams and get a shot at being a career football player. So I hope you all read this interview with DJ Abnar and follow his journey on Twitter @DjAbnar!

1. What do you do for fun?

Relaxing at the beach, Longboarding, four wheeling ATV stuff

2.What is your favorite movie?

The Lion King

3.What is your mindset on the football field?

I’m an assassin, anything in my way I will get through. 

4.If you were on an island and could only have 3 things which 3 things would you have?

A stick, a rock and a magnifying glass 

5.What is your dream car?

69′ Impala 

6. What is your favorite dinner?

Chicken Alfredo 

7.Who is your favorite musical artist?

Tory Lanez

8. If you could live anywhere in the world where and why?

Sydney, Australia. I would feel free from alot of things, good food, good beaches, and see what the lifestyle and culture is over there. 

9.Who is your favorite superhero?


10.What would a team get in a player like you?

Hardworker, my work ethic is really good. I’m a fun locker room guy I can be loose in the locker room. Goal oriented I like to think what needs to happen.  And I’m a perfectionist I like being perfect. 

11. Goal for your football career?

Definitely play in the NFL and have a impact. Be a good kickoff returner like Devin Hester. Be a hall of famer and a super bowl champion if I do all of that I’ll be happy. 

12. If you were an animal which animal would you be and why?

Wolf , because I like how they hunt in packs and I would be the last one and watch and protect and be the alpha male and make sure everyone is alright. 


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