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2020 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jalen Burks, OL, UW- Stevens Point

Jalen Burks is a massive man for UW Stevens Point. He has NFL size
  • Name: Jalen Burks
  • Height: 6’5
  • Weight: 295
  • Position: Left Tackle
  • College: UW-Stevens Point
  • Twitter: @jburks_75

Tell us about your hometown, and what you love most about it?

•  I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What I love most is the big events that we host like the Juneteenth celebration, Summerfest, and State fair.

List these three in order of importance and why: Film Study, Strength and Conditioning and Practice?

•  This is tough because I value all 3 heavily. But I would say 1) Film study, because film lets me know what the guy I’m going against is more than likely going to do and what movements and blitzes I will get from the defense there is absolutely no replacement for that. 2) Practice, because in a week of practice your body and mind get use to the movements and looks you will get that week which pays off in a game because everything becomes second nature and there is no guessing or hesitating. 3) Strength and conditioning, this is very important it sucks putting it last, but a person can be as well conditioned and as strong as they want but if they don’t know what to do and how to do it then it’s hard to be successful. 

What do you worry about, and why?

•  I worry about not fulfilling my potential in whatever I do, rather that’s football or my profession after football. This drives me to work hard and grind the way I do. 

Give me an example of when you failed at something. How did you react and how did you overcome failure?

•  My freshman year I gave up 2 hits on the quarterback against the best defensive end in our conference, one of those hits caused an interception that killed our team chance to potentially win that game. I took it hard after the game and remembered it all offseason and used it as motivation. My sophomore year I went against the same player and completely shut him down the entire game. I was looking forward to that game all offseason and ended up with the outcome I wanted.

What do your teammates say is your best quality?

•  My teammates would say my leadership. 

Who is the best player you have ever played against in college?

•  The best player I played against in college actually played for my team and I went against everyday in practice my sophomore year his name is Aaron Karlen. Helped me become the player I am today. 

What would your career be if you couldn’t play football? 

•  If I couldn’t play football I would coach it. I love things like watching film and teaching the youth. 

Room, desk, and car – which do you clean first?

•  Room 100%

If there was a disaster and you could either save three strangers or one family member, which would you choose and why?

•  One family member 

If you could be any television or movie character, who would you be and why?

• Hulk, just because he super beasty

Tell me about your biggest adversity in life and how you’ve dealt with or overcome it?

•  My Junior year I had to sit out the entire year of football for something that I had zero control over that dealt with me transferring. I found out 2 days before the first game and was devastated. It was tough watching all the games knowing I should be out there with my teammates. I just took it as motivation and got stronger and faster and worked my tail off. I came back and had a great year the following year. 

What is your most embarrassing moment?

•  Nothing big, but probably a time when I thought someone was waving at me so I waved back but they was never waving at me. 

What was the most memorable play of your collegiate career?

•  The time I had a 13-yard run after the ball got tipped in the air and I caught it. The only time in my life I had the ball in a real game.

What song best describes your work ethic?

•  Everyday- Logic

What is the most important trait you can have (Physical or Non-Physical) to help you succeed at the next level? 

•  Work Ethic, because everyone has some sort of a flaw and if you have an outstanding work ethic you can improve at literally anything and improvement is the key to success.

If you could bring one person back from the dead for one day, who would it be and why?

•  My cousin who drowned when we were 12 years old, I would love to just have at least one more conversation with him. 

If you were to open a dance club, what would you name it? 

• Shake n bake

Who is the most underrated player in the NFL? 

• Aaron Jones 

Would you rather be liked or respected, and why?

•  Respected, because respect is something that I demand of people, but I don’t care much about being popular or liked.

What player who had his career derailed by off-field issues do you feel for the most and why?

•  Josh Gordon because he is so talented and could be a hall of famer but can’t stay on the field because of suspensions

Do you love to win, or hate to lose?

•  Hate to Lose!

Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?

• My mom, she is my rock and whenever I need anything, she is always there with me and has my back. 


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