NFL Draft Diamonds Prospect Interview: Josh Celerin, DB, Jacksonville University

NFL Draft Diamonds and our staff have been bringing our readers Prospect Interviews over the past 2 years and this year we mixed up the questions and added some fun questions for our readers. We have tons of NFL staff that read our interviews, and we actually received several of the questions from NFL scouts we speak too. This gives them a little bit more information regarding your character. We hope to bring you more than 300 interviews of NFL Draft Prospects this season. You will be able to track them all on the front page of our website in the banner.
What is your name?
Josh Celerin
What is your Height/Weight?
What is your position?
Where do you play college football?
Jacksonville University
Football is about giving back, what is the coolest thing you have done off the field?
I had an opportunity to visit inner city elementary schools and read books to the kids. It was a great feeling being able to put smiles on the kid’s faces.
What was the hardest college class you ever had to take?
Where are you from?
Tampa, Florida
Who is your role model, and why?
My Mother and my Father. Without them I wouldn’t be the young man I am today. They have both taught me how to overcome adversity and always harped on putting god first in everything that I do.
Did you play any other sports growing up?
My first love was basketball, I also ran track in high school.
Did you play any other positions in football?
I’ve played pretty much all skill positions. In high school I started at quarterback for three years.
At your position, what separates you from others?
I believe what separates me the most is my athleticism. I have the ability to play all positions in the defensive backfield.
When you are breaking down film, what do you look for?
First I look for QB, WR, and coaching tendencies, what plays are ran out of specific formations. WR splits and favorite or most frequent routs ran. Next I go over my assignments and visualize were I would fit on certain plays
Who was the toughest player you ever faced?
Dominique Williams from Wagner
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be and why?
Tyrann Mathieu because of his ability to do different things in the defensive backfield.
What was the biggest obstacle in your life you had to overcome, and how did you overcome it?
Football wise I would have to say just experiencing 3 different head coaches and many different assistant coaches. Having to adjust to new systems in a short amount of time was pretty rough.
Do you have any pre-game rituals?
I call my pops before every game and we say a prayer.
What is your biggest strength?
I’m a competitor I love to compete!
What is your biggest weakness?
Breaking and getting in and out of my break quicker
If I were a GM and gave you a second to sell yourself, what would you say?
They’re going to get a kid who works hard. They are also getting someone who loves to compete and wants to prove that he can compete with the best.
Who was your favorite player and/or NFL team growing up?
Mike Vick
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would you choose?
Jesus, My grandmother, and Martin Luther King
What will be the first big item you buy once you are in the NFL?
Anything my parents want.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at