Dolphins player has signed up to be a Uber driver
The Miami Dolphins now have a player employed by Uber, the personal taxi service. Defensive tackle AJ Francis tweeted that he will now be working for Uber.
@AJFrancis410: People ask me why would you want to be an @uber driver if you play in the NFL… You know what’s better than NFL money? More money.
His quote is classic:
“I’ve been using the app for two years,” Francis told the New York Daily News. “And every driver I talk to says it really helps supplement their income.”
“I always worked odd jobs,” the Maryland native and former Terrapin told the Daily News. “I mowed lawns in summer and shoveled snow in the winter. I got a job in a deli cutting meat. I was a bouncer at a night club in college.”
Well now the DT will drive Miami citizens around.

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