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Arian Foster opens up about his childhood involving Domestic Violence

Ray Rice has everybody talking about domestic violence right now.

It hits close to home for many people especially players like William Gay of the Pittsburgh Steelers and even Arian Foster of the Houston Texans. Foster today opened up on Twitter about his lifestyle growing up in a domestic violence family.

@ArianFoster: Life happens to everybody. People are so quick to judge when the people you chastise arent tangible to you. I wish them nothing but the best

@ArianFoster: I grew up in a domestically violent household. I know first hand what this is all about. Saw it my entire childhood. I wish that family love

@ArianFoster: People struggle with this problem all over the world. I have a heavy heart for everyone involved. This WAS my childhood.

@ArianFoster: One of the hardest things in my life was forgiving the one who caused so much turmoil in my life. But that forgiveness freed me.

Some felt like Foster was sticking up for Rice but instead he was just trying to get his story out.


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