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HUDL is close to acquiring football analytics company StatsBomb

HUDL is close to acquiring football analytics company StatsBomb
HUDL is close to acquiring football analytics company StatsBomb

Hudl one of the leaders in sports technology is closing on a deal that will acquire one of the biggest football analytics companies in the US in StatsBomb.

Hudl is aiming to become a one-stop-shop for football and analytics. The Nebraska-based company has already acquired video platforms Wyscout and Instat, and will now aim to take over StatsBomb.

StatsBomb was founded in 2016 by Charlotte Randall and Ted Knutson and are huge in the game of soccer. Almost every major soccer team overseas uses their tracking and analytics company. They recently got into the football space and have some pretty amazing technology.

With StatsBomb going to Hudl it will be interesting what they can come up with. This could be a huge asset for recruits and high school football players in the coming years if they can have their film tracked by StatsBomb technology.


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