Green Bay Packers draft pick Jacob Monk is allergic to Cold Water?

The Green Bay Packers selected Jacob Monk the former Duke versatile lineman because they wanted to bolster their line. Monk is a very solid football player who plays with a mean streak.
The Packers selected Monk even though he has a very interesting allergy. Monk is reportedly allergic to cold water.
“I’m very allergic to cold water,” Monk said, “So, a quick story, before we played Alabama my freshman year, I decided it would be a good idea to hop in the cold tub. I was like, ‘This is really cold!’ I didn’t know it would be that cold. I get out of the cold tub and go shower, and I’m just itching. I’ve got a lot of hives everywhere, and then after I get out of the shower, I end up passing out in the locker room.”
Allergic to Cold Water? How is that going to happen in the Frozen Tundra?
Monk was diagnosed with cold urticaria, a condition that triggers allergic reactions upon contact with cold water, Monk faces a challenge unique among NFL players. To avoid any adverse reactions, team assistants have been cautioned against providing the rookie with cold water bottles.
It will be interesting to see if this effects him playing in the Green Bay. Green Bay, Wisconsin, is often referred to as the “Frozen Tundra” due to its cold and snowy winters, particularly during the football season when the Green Bay Packers play at Lambeau Field. The nickname emphasizes the harsh conditions in which football is played at Lambeau Field, contributing to the legendary status of the stadium and the resilience of the Packers players and fans.
When someone with cold urticaria is exposed to cold air, water, or objects, they may experience symptoms ranging from itching and redness to hives, swelling, and even more severe reactions such as difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness in extreme cases.
Treatment for cold urticaria typically involves avoiding exposure to cold temperatures whenever possible and taking antihistamines or other medications to help manage symptoms.
Despite the allergic reaction, Monk has played 3,600 career snaps, Monk brings a wealth of experience to the table. So we will see how it plays out!

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