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2024 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Brian Dooley, OL, Eastern Michigan University

2024 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Brian Dooley, OL, Eastern Michigan University
2024 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Brian Dooley the standout offensive lineman from Eastern Michigan University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds scout Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Brian Dooley
  • Position: OL
  • College: Eastern Michigan University
  • Height: 6’5”
  • Weight: 316 lbs
  • X (Twitter): @dooley18brian
  • Instagram: @bdooles

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

I wanted to be a football player because no other sport would allow me to physically dominate other players. I was too big for hockey and basketball was getting to my legs so I knew football was my path. I loved watching football since I was kid and I knew that’s what I wanted to play.

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

My favorite moments in my football life, it’s hard to pick because there is a lot. Getting a full ride scholarship to play at EMU was unforgettable. Playing my first game as a true freshman vs Monmouth. Beating Purdue at their place and me completing a huge catch for us to set up a score. Being named captain back to back years is something I took personally, I’ve always wanted to be the leader that people can look up to on the team and being named captain felt like I accomplished that. Winning the Idaho Potato Bowl is something I’ll remember forever because that is something EMU hasn’t done in forever.

What are you looking to achieve as a football player going forward?

Going forward I’m looking to making a name for myself and bring awareness to anything I can to my community. I want younger players to know anything is possible no matter where you come from where.

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

I would hang out with Taylor and Will from Bussin’ With The Boys. Those guys bring awesome energy and some of the guys they hang around with are great. They almost remind me of my friend group.

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

My uncle pat inspires me the most in my life because he has always been there for me no matter what. He’s taught me a lot growing up and still teaches me things to this day.

What is your favorite offensive scheme and why?

My favorite scheme would be RPO. Having that run pass option can slice through defenses with no problem. You can run tight or spread offense with it and that can confuse the defense.

What should we know about Brian Dooley the person?

I’m a pretty chill guy in all honesty, you can come to me with whatever you got and I’ll listen. I’m always going to give it my all no matter what. I like to fish and hunt and play video games in my free time.

What stands out about your film the most?

The thing that stands out the most about my film is how I use my length to my advantage. I also change up how I attack guys in the pass game. Just like defensive line they have alot of different moves they can do on the offensive line and I feel like as an offensive lineman I have different moves that can defeat them with.

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

I take challenges head on in life no matter what it is. I have a great support team in my life and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Growing up throughout life you meet a lot of people that teach you things and I’m grateful I had a lot people to learn from. Football was the same way, my offensive line coach, Sean Coughlin, was the best man I could ask for at EMU. In my opinion, he’s one of the top offensive line coaches around. His passion for the game is unbelievable and his love for the players show on and off the field. He’s family to me and will be for the rest of my life.

What would a team get in a player like you?

Whatever team takes a chance on me just know that they will be getting a guy who is all in no matter what. I don’t care if I’m practice squad or whatever, I’ll give my all and I’m coming to work everyday. I’m trying to get better everyday and if I’m not then I’m letting my teammates down.

What do you love the most about the game of football?

The thing I like the most about football is the relationships you make along the way. You truly do get to meet some great people. On the field though, I love dominating people and being able to be physical. Not everyday you can just go out there and abuse someone physically and get away with it.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

That’s a hard one because coming out of the MAC you meet a lot of players that go unnoticed just because we aren’t on the big stage. Steven Nielsen. I was able to play with him for only one year and he taught me so much. He was so dominant at right tackle and it hurt me that he never got a shot in the league. I think he’s playing over seas now but I think he could’ve played in the NFL. He had the size, strength, athleticism and physicality but I don’t know why it didn’t work out. All around I feel like he’s the most underrated player I have played with.


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