Did You Know? JFK and his brothers almost purchased the Philadelphia Eagles

A crazy report came out today saying Former President John F Kennedy and his brothers nearly purchased the Philadelphia Eagles for $6M in 1962.
How did
this happen?
Well according to a report published, Edward Kennedy stated that JFK and his brothers were going to buy the Eagles but the Cuban Missile Crisis put a stop to it.
I had been in touch with my brother just before the Cuban Missile Crisis when I was running because the Philadelphia Eagles came up for sale, and the fellow who owned the Baltimore Colts, Carroll Rosenbloom, called my father and said,
If your sons want to buy that, you can get it for $6 million.And so my brother Jack called me and said,Are you in for a third if we can get it for $6 million? I’ve talked to Bobby, and he says he’ll go for it.I said,Okay, I’ll go for a third.He said,Well, you have to find out. No one knows how long it takes to get to the stadium, how far the stadium is from the railroads, what’s the time if they flew up there, can they land by chopper? Will it interfere with people? I want to know. I want you to give me a twenty-page memorandum on all the details that I can look at to find out if I can get to the games and not clutter up all these people.Then, boom! The Cuban Missile Crisis happened. And at the end of it, after October 22nd, by about November 1st, I asked,
Are we still in?and that thing had gone. They said they’d wait four or five days to see whether the Kennedy brothers were interested in it, but, boy, after that thing, the offer was gone. He always had a real interest. He loved sports, loved football, and Bobby did, and they would have—
Could you imagine if this would have went down?

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