Opinion: Three keys to succeed in football

A lot of people have life goals regarding football. Some of them want to be coaches, some of them want to be scouts. When I tell people about my job, it is often met with “ohhhs” and “ahhs.” I try to talk it down as much as possible, but nevertheless, it is amazing at how many people want to get into football in some capacity.
A lot of people want to work in football, but they don’t want to do what is required. I think three key qualities are needed to be successful in the game.
- Talent.
I believe coaching and/or scouting football is a God-given ability that the Good Lord does not bestow to everyone. Some people are really hard workers, but not very good at what they’re actually doing. Some people are very disciplined, but the work they produce isn’t very good. You have to be a good communicator in both written and verbal form. You also have to be humble and admit what you don’t know. God does not give these talents to everyone.
2. Discipline
Some people have the talent and perhaps even the work ethic, but what they do not have is the discipline to sit down at a computer with a notebook and pen and take notes. They do not establish a daily routine in order to make themselves as productive as possible. Disciplined people often look back and are tough on themselves when they evaluate their performance even though others would probably say they did a great job.
I look back on last fall and see a lot of areas where I could have been even better.
3. Relentless work ethic and passion.
It takes a relentless work ethic to succeed in football.
Quick story: I was at the Ohio State v. Michigan game last season. When people saw that I was going to it, they were amazed at the privilege. I really did consider it an honor to go.
But here’s what people did not see: the night before the game, I was scouting the Indiana 6A State Championship Game. I went home after that game, typed up my evaluations on high school players, and went to bed in the wee-hours of Saturday morning. I awoke at 6 a.m. and spent three hours adding prospects to our database while eating a quick bagel for breakfast. Then, I proceeded to leave for Columbus, go to the game, take notes on potential Hula Bowl players, headed home, and typed up my evaluations that night.
That’s a lot of work in a short amount of time! And it was exhausting! But when you have a passion for something and the relentless work ethic to harness it, you do it anyway. That’s a work ethic that most 9-to-5 people do not possess.
Those three things are needed to succeed in football.
Do you have what it takes?