XFL Attendance: XFL Week 3 Attendance had a slight increase from Week 2, but numbers are still low

XFL Week 3 Attendance had a slight increase from Week 2, but numbers are still low. We love the XFL and the football has been terrific, but the numbers are a bit concerning. We wanted to show what the numbers have been from week 1 thru week 3.
The Average in week 3 was a little higher than week 2. Thanks to the DC Defenders, the XFL had an increase in attendance. Why are other teams not increasing their numbers?
Week 1:
- Arlington – 12,047
- DC – 12,438
- Houston – 12,748
- San Antonio – 24.285
Total: 61,514
Average: 15,379
Week 2:
- Houston: 11,765
- Orlando: 12,011
- Seattle: 10,386
- Vegas: 6,023
Total: 40,185
Average: 10,046
Week 3
- Houston: 11,309
- Arlington: 12,006
- DC: 16,212
- Vegas: 6,037
Total: 45,564
Average: 11,391

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