USFL Attendance: Five quick and easy steps to boost the USFL Attendance

The USFL has been pretty amazing and their broadcast is amazing, but when you turn on the game and they only have a few hundred people in the stands it is frustrating. The Birmingham football team easily has the largest crowd, and the first game of the year had 17,500 fans in attendance.
What can the USFL do different to get more fans in the stands? We come up with five ways for the USFL to boost their attendance.
1. The USFL is taking place in Birmingham, Alabama and all the teams are playing at Protective Stadium, so here is my first suggestion. Take players from each team once a week and have the players going to local schools. I am talking from pre-K all the way to high school. Have the players going there to meet the kids, talk to them about bullying, read them books. Get in the community, because at the end of the day, they are the ones who will be coming to the game. Have the players bring free tickets and give them out to the kids. The kids are going to talk their parents into bringing them to the game. They will have to pay for parking so you will end up making something and have another butt or two in the seats.
2. Offer free tickets to Veterans, Teachers, Nurses, and First Responders – For the last several years, COVID has been hard on everyone, if you want to give back, give some tickets out to the people who have been constantly working. All they have to do is use ID.Me and they can get free tickets to the game, up to four a family. This will allow a member to bring three others with them. If 500 people all take you up on the offer you just hit 2000 potential viewers. If they buy a drink and park you make money.
3. Go to the local colleges and universities. University of Alabama-Birmingham is right down the road. there are 22,563 students at UAB. Offer them all a free ticket if they show their school ID. You may not be able to get them all in attendance, but if you get 5 percent of the students you can make money back and put more butts in the seats.
4. Go to the local football programs. All the pee-wee, midget, and high school football programs. Have them go out and sell tickets to the game. The football players are free to get in, but if they can sell the most tickets they will end up getting a monetary award from the USFL back to help with equipment and other stuff needed for this upcoming season. This is a give back thing and helps promote your football season for free.
5. Contact the local radio shows, and local companies. Make it easy to access the players, so they players can do interviews, and meet and greets. At these events, give away tickets and make it fun.
The USFL can do so many things to make more money and put butts in the seats. Don’t worry about the money, worry about the impact left. The Community supporting it is what is going to make it succeed.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at