Former Packers Legend Brett Favre wants a ban on youth football until the age of 14

Brett Favre has taken some hard hits in his career, but the veteran gunslinger was adamant when talking to TMZ Sports that football should be banned for kids under the age of 14.
Favre says he believes no child should participate in live, full-contact games until at least the age of 14.
The Hall of Fame told Harvey and Charles on “TMZ Live” … saying he believes the ban could help prevent concussions and long-term brain issues.
“What I was told basically is the human head is completely developed by age 15 to 18,” Favre said. “And I may be wrong or off a little bit, but that’s what I remember.”
“And, so, even though the brain will continue to move around at impact at 30 or at 18, you give yourself more of a fighting chance by your head being more developed.”
Favre has been saying this for quite some time too. He does not feel parents should allow their children to play tackle football until at least 14.
What do you think?

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