Hasahn French: St. Louis Billikens basketball player to play Tight End in the NFL?

By: Justin Berendzen (@jrberendzen on Twitter)
I want all of you to know about Hasahn French (@Hasahn22 on Twitter). I know a lot about Hasahn French because have seen him play almost every game he has played as a Billikens basketball player.
Hasahn French the former Saint Louis Billikens basketball forward worked out for the Tennessee Titans earlier this week and I feel like he has the ability to play tight end in the NFL. Hasahn French’s size just speaks tight end! He is a 6’7″ and 240 pounder, and that leads me into the next thing is that he can definitely be a physical presence he has shown that as a Billikens basketball player on the court and can definitely bring that onto the football field as a tight end.
He is also very capable of catching the ball he was very good at catching basketballs in the paint with the Saint Louis Billikens. I also think that Hasahn French knows how to grind and that is one thing that NFL players have to do especially at a position like tight end.
Hasahn French makes for a very compelling tight end if he decides to do it if he decides he doesn’t want to be a basketball player. He has the physicality and size NFL teams should should want and the determination that you want everyone to have and I think every NFL team should take a look at him.
French is also an underdog not that many people know about Saint Louis Billikens basketball I want to change that and I hope that if Hasahn French does actually decide to be a tight end that everyone notices him because he will be a beast on the football field if it happens.

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