Two Florida Tech football players are accused of kidnapping, and beating a man in Florida
Florida Tech football shut down their program in 2020 due to COVID-19, but they are in the news tonight. Why are they in the news? Becuase they are located in Florida silly.
Actually, there is a pretty wild accusation that could cost two Florida Tech players some jail time if found guilty.
According to the police report, back in November, at a party, a person reportedly drugged a female at a party. Well, the victim is reporting that back on November 1st, when taking out the trash, he was forced into a black SUV by former offensive lineman Evan Kulyk who made him get into the back seat of the vehicle.
The report says the victim was between two offensive lineman on the Tech football team. The other player who is not listed because he has not been arrested yet, was reportedly holding a gun.
The report says Kulyk told him, “Once we hit the road, you are dead,” according to authorities. At that point, the second football player in the back seat is accused of brandishing a gun, racking the slide, and telling the victim, “We are not kidding.”
The victim was reportedly dropped off at a dog park, and now one month later is saying he is in fear of his life. More on this case will be out soon, so stay tuned. This sounds pretty interesting.
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