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NFL Draft Diamonds Prospect Interview: Marquese Surrell, WR, Adams State University

Make sure you wish Marquese Surrell a Happy Birthday too if you are reading this!

2017 Accolades & Statistics

  • Second Team All-RMAC.
  • 68 rec – 954 yards – 14.03 YPR – 10 TDs.
  • 2017 Don Hansen NCAA Division II All-American Team Honorable Mention.
  • Ranked 5th in the Nation for All-Purpose yards.

What is your name?

  • Marquese Surrell.

Where do you play College Football?

  • Adams State University.

What position do you play?

  • Receiver.

What is your height/weight?

  • 6’3” 190lbs.

Did you play any other sports growing up? If so, what were they?

  • Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Football.

Who is the toughest player you have competed against in College?

  • The guy on the other side of me, Chad Hovasse.

Are you listening to music before a game? If so, what?

  • J Cole, Kanye, SOB, Mistah Fab, E-40, G-Eazy.

Do you have any superstitions before a game? If so, what are they?

  • I have to call my Mom and my Tete (Aunt) on Facetime, must get some extra stretching in with Brady Conner (Strength and Conditioning Coach), and I eat a couple of sour patch (either Berries or Watermelon).

Who is your role model & why?

  • I have a number of role models and all for different reasons within each. First and foremost, my two uncles, Robert and Marcus. These two have ALWAYS supported me and what it was that I was doing athletically. Marcus more so Football with support and guiding me in the right direction as far as what to do and what not to do as I moved up levels in my career. Robert guided me through my basketball career and still supports me with everything I do in Football as well. Another great guy by the name of Stanley also known as Mistah FAB. This is because no matter how big he has gotten he has never treated me any differently or anyone else for that matter. He is as real as it gets when it comes to remaining loyal to your city and your neighborhood. Lastly my position coach, Coach Riley. This is the most surprising being that the other three have been around me majority of my life and he has been around just some months, but he has definitely had an impact on me as a football player and as a man. He has given me tools on the field while continuing to treat me like a man and respecting me as much as I respect him. He has made sacrifices and proven to remain loyal to our group in this short amount of time and you can’t do anything but respect that.

While in College, what has been your favorite & least favorite class?

  • Management and Marketing classes have been the best for me. Any class that I have taken with Elizabeth Hensley. She is definitely a Teacher that is there to help and see her students succeed in the classroom and in life. A great guide and aid in whatever it is that her students may need from her. Accounting II was the toughest I have taken and took my studying habits to a whole new level.

Outside of Football, what has been your favorite experience while in College?

  • Traveling. I have traveled to so many different places due to playing sports and whether they are isolated in the middle of nowhere or in the heart of a big city it is always interesting to go and visit different places.

Growing up, who was your favorite NFL Team & NFL player, & why?

  • My favorite NFL team was the Raiders being from Oakland and My favorite players are Jerry Rice, Chad Johnson, and Randy Moss. I LOVE Chad Johnson’s attitude and demeanor with the way he carries himself, His footwork is also one of the best to ever touch the field. Jerry rice and Randy Moss are self-explanatory being the GOATS in my eyes. Their technicalities and skills set them apart from anyone else, especially as they got older. They run precise routes and catch everything. What more could you ask from a receiver?

If you could be in any movie of your choice, what would it be & what character would you play? 

  • It would be the movie Hardball and I would choose to be the pitcher named “Miles.” Miles is interesting because he is the best pitcher in the league, but he can only pitch when he has his walk-man on and listening to “Big Poppa” by Biggie Smalls. I love Biggie so this is another reason why, but during the season he is pitching so well that one of the coaches complains and gets his walk-man taken away and he loses all confidence in himself. During a pivotal point in the season to make it to the playoffs he must strike out one last guy and his team rallies behind him and sings the song out loud, so he could hear it and ends up striking the kid out. Shows comradery, pressures of a young athlete, and teamwork which are all lessons needed to learn along athletes lives.

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who are they? 

  • J Cole, Tupac Shakur, Barack Obama.

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose & why?

  • Bobby Seale & Huey Newton. Being from Oakland California it is such an honor to have something like what they did for the world take place. I’m intrigued by their way of thinking and the way they stood up for their people. Trying to do so in manner that was just and right. I’m a big believer in standing up for what you believe it and they are the epitome of that.

Who is your favorite superhero & why?

  • I would say Deadpool who has really grown on me. He is comical superhero which brings a twist into things. He has this sense of human I think because he knows that he can never die due to an experiment to supposedly heal his cancer, gone rogue thus transforming him into Deadpool. He is a genuinely nice guy to those that he cares about and really can’t be stopped.

What is your definition of hard work?

  • Hard work to me is giving 110% day in and day out. This is when no one is looking and when everyone is looking. You must give this maximum effort consistently in order to be classified as a hard worker.

What is the most unexpected lesson you learned while in College?

  • If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.

What is something you wish you could go back & tell yourself as a High School Freshman?

  • Play every sport possible and go hard every time you step between those lines because you never know the lessons sports can teach you or the places they can take you in life.

Why do you wear #18?

  • When my Uncle Marcus played for the 49er’s he wore #19 and I always told him I am better than him, so I wanted to wear the same number and show him. I told my old coach what number I wanted, and I wasn’t there to do something, so he gave the number to another receiver and gave me the number right under it being #18 and I have decided to just stick with it since then.

What is the best part of your hometown, Oakland, CA?

  • The best part of Oakland is the culture and the atmosphere that comes with it. If you think about what Oakland stands for its much more than just the glam that other cities bring. Oakland has a grit to it and the city carries a demeanor that “we can’t be messed with.” We have the best basketball team in the world with the Warriors. Our Football team is a great franchise and have the most loyal fans in the league. Not to mention, we have the BEST music.

Who do you choose, Jordan or LeBron?

  • LeBron because he is literally doing it in front of my eyes.

Are you a PS4 or Xbox One guy? What games are you playing right now?

  • Xbox of course! Fortnite, 2K, and Madden.

What has been your most memorable moment as a student-athlete?

  • I don’t think it gets any better than winning a National Championship.

If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?

  • Bring my Papa back, bring my brothers back, and have an endless supply of money.

What is your hidden talent?

  • Rapping all of J Coles, Lil Wayne, and Drake songs word for word.

If there is a book written about Marquese Surrell, what is the title?

  • Just getting started.

What are three things on your “Bucket List?”

  • Buy my mom a house, go to Spain, Sign a professional contract.

Are you binge watching anything on Netflix or Hulu right now?

  • One Tree Hill, 13 Reasons why, Stranger Things, Impractical Jokers.

If you had one free hour each day, how would you choose to use it?

  • There are a few things I would do, and they all just depend on my mood. I could eat, sleep, play Xbox, talk on the phone with family, look for the next shoes and jerseys I want to buy, or watch videos on YouTube or the internet about a number of different things.

If you could catch a TD from one NFL QB, past or present, who would it be & why?

  • Mike Vick, No question. One of the greatest to ever play the game, a guy that could extend the play beyond expectations and I love those scramble drill situations. Being a man to face adversity in such an impactful way and be able to turn around and still be helpful and a guide to players is amazing to me aside from football. Great QB though and his game was mesmerizing.

What are the goals for 2018, both individually & for the Adams State University football team?

  • Individual goals are: 1,500 rec yards, 70 catches, 15 TD’s, 2,500 All-Purpose.
  • Team Goals: Play together, bend but don’t break, make it to the postseason, Have more guys on academic list than last year.

If you could give NFL scouts three words to describe the type of man they are getting in Marquese Surrell, what would they be?

  • Ambitious, Relentless, Listener.

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