Johnny Manziel’s high school coach wants to help him but doesn’t even recognize him anymore

Johnny Manziel has truly pissed his career away. It is so bad that the coach that had him for his entire high school career does not even recognize him anymore.
His former head coach in Kerrville, Mark Smith, says he tries to reach out to his former star player at least once a month. In light of all that’s happened, he just wants Manziel to know he has his full support.
“I really don’t know that guy. I think they’re two different people,” Smith told News 5 in San Antonio. “Somehow I wish Johnny could find himself back to being Johnny Manziel.”
“The things I know about Johnny, I mean, he was a great kid. He had a caring heart, always tried to put his teammates before himself. Was great with kids, particularly special needs kids. He went out of his way to work with the younger youth in the Kerrville area,” Smith said.

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