Pretzel company in Philly makes Tim Tebow Pretzels (Photo)
It’s official Tim Tebow mania is taking over the city of Brotherly Love. Today Tebow Pretzels were sold in Philly at the Philly Pretzel Factory.
@LaurenDawnFox29: Thanks @PPFpretzels for the breakfast! We are chomping down on @TimTebow this morning. #Tebowing #Pretzeling #Yummy

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at