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A third female claims Darren Sharper drugged her and raped her

Today a third woman claims she was drugged by former NFL star Darren Sharper in Tempe, Arizona.

According to  CBS 5 News in Arizona a police report reveals the woman locked herself in her bedroom the night Sharper allegedly drugged and raped two of her roommates. The alleged attacks happened in November.

The women say when they confronted Sharper, he said he “didn’t remember anything.”

One alleged victim told investigators she thought Sharper was “acting.”

This is not looking good for Sharper.  While the prosecutors believe there could be up to 7 women, by the end they might have more than that number.  I will not say that Sharper is guilty, but if they do find him guilty of these charges, he could face up to 30 years in a State prison.

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