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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Noah Benza, DL, Morehead State University

Noah Benza, DL, Morehead State University
Noah Benza the standout defensive lineman from Morehead State University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds scout Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Noah Benza
  • Position: DL
  • College: Morehead State University
  • Height: 6’4”
  • Weight: 255 lbs.
  • X (Twitter): @benzanoah
  • Instagram: @noah.benza

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

It started when I was 7 years old my sister would cheerlead at games and I loved watching it and my parents let me play at 7 and I’ve been loving it ever since.

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

In high school we played one of our rivals and they had a jersey ceremony and we  went in there and beat them and that was one of my favorite memories from these years.

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

My mom and dad are both equally what gets me inspired and they told me when I was young when I start something I need to finish it and I’ve appreciated them on my journey and loved every minute of it.

What are you looking forward to in your upcoming season?

Competing, I love to compete and an opportunity to show my best every week.

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

Luke Kuechly, I have been watching him ever since I was a kid and even though he was never on the Falcons, I loved watching all the aspects of what he did on and off the field.

What are your favorite things about playing football for Morehead State?

The comity in the family and being in the close knit group of people around the Morehead State football program.

What should we know about Noah Benza the person?

Very outgoing and dedicated. I never do anything half assed and I always work towards completion and no matter how many times I fall down, I always get up.

What is your favorite defensive scheme and why?

4-2-5, for me I like to play on the outsides and usually I’m inside in a 3-4 and I feel most comfortable playing on the edge.

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

Take everything one step at a time, don’t look too far forward and don’t look backwards.

What would a team get in a player like you?

A leader, someone who is always competing and always trying to find ways to get better.

What stands out about your film the most?

The physicality aspect, I like to play tough.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

Vincent Winey and Vaughn Taylor Jr, both were amazing players who were both captains. Vaughn taught me a lot of things on the defensive line and Vinny taught me a lot about the leadership aspect of the game and I’m very blessed to play with those 2 players.


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