NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Josh Connors, LB, St. Francis Xavier

Josh Connors the star linebacker from St. Francis Xavier University recently sat down with Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot.
  • Name: Josh Connors
  • Position: Linebacker 
  • College: St. Francis Xavier University
  • Height: 5’11
  • Weight: 220
  • Instagram: Joshconnors7

What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft?

The qualities that make me a top prospect are my combination of physicality, strength, speed, and flexibility on the football field. My versatility allows me to excel in multiple roles. I can line up in the middle and take on big linemen in the run game, line up on the edge to blitz and disrupt the backfield, or drop into man or zone coverage. My ability to perform at a high level in various positions makes me a true jack-of-all-trades and a valuable asset to any team.

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?

One thing that NFL teams should know about me is that I’m a competitor with a will to win and I will always be a student of the game looking to improve my game in every aspect week after week.

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?

I would donate to KidSport.

Who was your role model?

My role model growing up was my Father

Who is your favorite NFL team?

Pittsburgh Steelers

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?

The most underrated teammate at my school would be Zechariah Willems. He is one of the smallest Nose Tackles you will ever meet but he plays like he’s 6’7 and 400 pounds he’s so strong and has such a good low base he’s always taking double teams and he’s a guy who makes my job so much easier. 

What is your biggest pet peeve?

My biggest pet peeve is not being a man of your word.

Who is your favorite teacher ever?

My favorite teacher ever would be my high school BEAP teacher Mr. Pacas. 

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?

One of the hardest moments in my life was tearing my labrum during my first year of university during the COVID-19 shutdown. It was extremely difficult to rehab during COVID by myself in my dorm room with no therapy, treatment, gym, or knowledge. It was a long mental and physical process but definitely made me a better athlete mentally. 

If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house what would it be?

It would be the Keg.

What is your favorite snack food?

My favorite snack food is fuzzy peaches.

What is your degree in?

My degree is in Business Marketing. 

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?

  1. Warren Buffet: Business and life knowledge.
  2. Wayne Connors: My uncle who died when I was a baby, heard many cool stories about him and would have loved to have met him.
  3. Micheal Jordan: Sports knowledge/ one of the greatest athletes to ever live.

What is your biggest weakness?

My biggest weakness would be overthinking and doing too much. I overthink a lot of things as well as not always giving myself enough rest due to thinking that I’m not doing enough. This has hurt me in the past and is something I’m working on.


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