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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jalan Gaines, Edge, Illinois State University

Jalan Gaines, Edge, Illinois State University
Jalan Gaines the star edge rusher from Illinois State University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds scout Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Jalan Gaines
  • Position: Edge
  • College: Illinois State University
  • Height: 6’4”
  • Weight: 250 lbs
  • X (Twitter): @Wjgaines4121
  • Instagram: @jgaines3121

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

What made me want to become a football player was my dad. He played some D2 football and I wanted to continue in his footsteps and make him proud. 

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

Two of my favorite moments from my football life would be scoring my first touchdown my junior year of high school and earning a scholarship after walking on at Illinois State. 

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

The one family member that inspires me the most would be my mom. Growing up she was always working hard to make sure we had everything that we needed. Seeing that really helped shaped me into the man and football player I am today. I get my work ethic from her. 

What are you looking forward to in your upcoming season?

One thing I am looking forward to this upcoming season is our first game at Iowa. I played D3 football at the University of Dubuque in Iowa before walking on at Illinois State. I think it’ll be great to go back to the state that I started my college football career and kick off my last year of college football. 

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

If I had to pick one football player to hangout with for the day I would pick JJ Watt. When I first started playing football I really looked up to him. It would be cool to be able to work on some pass rush with him and just pick his brain about the game of football. 

What are your favorite things about playing football for Illinois State?

One of my favorite things about playing for Illinois State would be how close it is to my home. I’m from Chicago so being close enough for my family to come see me play makes me happy. Another would be team chemistry. My teammates and I push each other everyday to better ourselves. I really feel like that brings us closer as a team and helps us play as one unit.

What should we know about Jalan Gaines the person?

Some stuff you should know about me the person is I am very hardworking. No matter what it is in life I will always give 100%. I am also very responsible and motivated as well. I’m tenacious as well. I will never give up on anything. I also have a one year old daughter who I’d do anything for. 

What is your favorite defensive scheme and why?

It’s kind of hard to pick my favorite defensive scheme between. I really like 3-4 and 4-3. But if I had to pick it would be the 3-4. I feel like with the defense you can do a lot of things to confuse the QB with creepers and things like that. 

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

The way I handle challenges in life and on the football is by staying positive. In life and football there are times where you get knocked down. You just have to get up dust yourself off and stay positive and keep attacking. As long as you never give up and you keep trying and stay positive it will be ok. When adversity hits I don’t think of it as a negative. I just think of it as a chance to better yourself and learn. 

What would a team get in a player like you?

What a team would get in me as a player would be a high motor player that’s willing to do whatever to make the team better. I’m willing to work hard and do whatever is asked of me. I’m very disciplined and always willing to learn. I’m also versatile as well I can play defense end also. 

What stands out about your film the most?

What stands out about my film the most is my ability to rush the QB. I tend to put a lot of pressure on the QB which can cause him to mess up his reads and progressions. I do a good job of getting off the ball and bending around the edge. With my long arms and good ball get off I feel like that gives most tackles problems.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

The most underrated player that I’ve played with is Darien Wair. He was a very good corner. Good coverage skills and wasn’t afraid to tackle at all. Things happened in life and he wasn’t able to finish his college career but he is definitely the most underrated player that I played with. 


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