NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Connor Cracchiolo-Evans, OL, Saginaw Valley State

Connor Cracchiolo-Evans the mauling offensive lineman from Saginaw Valley State recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot
Connor Cracchiolo-Evans the mauling offensive lineman from Saginaw Valley State recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot
  • Name: Connor Cracchiolo- Evans 
  • Position: OL
  • College: Saginaw Valley State University 
  • Height: 6’4
  • Weight: 300
  • Twitterccracc1
  • Instagram: connor.cracchioloevans

What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft? 

I think that my versatility and my ability to see the game separates me from other prospects. I’ve started games at both guard and tackle though I primarily have played tackle. With the experience I’ve gained being a three year starter going into my final season, I have learned how to see the game and have been able to read what the defense is doing based on certain keys. I take a lot of pride in watching and analyzing film so I think that aspect separates me.

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?

That I am consumed by the game of football. It is on my mind essentially all day. I think of taking pass sets and think of run fits constantly and what I would do in certain situations that I could find myself in. I am consumed by trying to be the best player I can be and try to absorb everything I can about the game.

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be? 

A cause that really hits home with me is Mental Health. I’ve struggled with it in my life and I know many others do as well. I think mental health is very important and I would donate to try to help strengthen resources for those who need it.

Who was your role model?

My role model is my mom. She and I have been through hell and back together. She has sacrificed and been through so much to give me the best life possible. I am always amazed by her strength and her love for those she loves. She is a person I would do anything for no matter the circumstance. I’m blessed to have her as my mother. 

Who is your favorite NFL team?

My favorite team is the Detroit Lions. I’ve lived in Michigan my entire life and have grown up watching them and seeing the success they’ve had lately is awesome!

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?

The most underrated teammate of mine is Harold Irby III. He is one of my best friends, and is one of those guys that does everything right; habits, nutrition, recovery, etc. He is a very talented player and I feel he is the anchor of our defense. He doesn’t always get the recognition he deserves, but I truly think he is a great player.  

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

My biggest pet peeve is when teammates talk excessive trash talk to their own teammates during practice. I’m a big believer in my teammates being my brothers and we’re practicing to better each other so there’s no reason to take personal shots or try to make things personal. At the end of the day we’re going to have each other’s back, so what is the point of trying to demean your brother just to show everyone you’re a tough guy? I’ve never understood that.

Who is your favorite teacher ever?

My favorite teacher was Mr. Delore, he was my government and psychology teacher. He is one of the most caring individuals I’ve ever met, he wants all his students to succeed and truly cares about their well being. 

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome? 

The hardest thing in my life was when I was taken by my biological father to another state. It was a super traumatic experience for me and I still deal with what happened to this day. But the fact that I’m thriving and have defied the odds of what happened to me, I know I can overcome anything that is thrown at me. 

If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house what would it be?

100% would have to be chipotle, I honestly eat it way too much. 

What is your favorite snack food? 

I’m not a huge snacks guy, but my guilty pleasure is for sure Oreos and milk. 

What is your degree in? 

My degree is in Secondary Education English. 

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

One would he Taylor Lewan because he is my favorite player though he is not active and I’d love to pick his brain about the game. Two would be Trent Williams, arguably one of the greatest OL of all time, would also love just to talk to him and learn the game from one of the greats. Three would be James Hetfield, just because Metallica is fricking awesome. 

What is your biggest weakness? 

My biggest weakness are my emotions. I tend to be an emotional person and especially in football. I play the game passionately and aggressively so sometimes when I become emotionally hijacked it can lead to some mistakes. 


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