NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Cameron Foran, LS, Acadia University

Cameron Foran the standout longsnapper from Acadia recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot.
  • Name: Cameron Foran 
  • Position: Longsnapper 
  • College: Acadia University 
  • Height: 6’1
  • Weight: 223
  • Twitter: cam_foran 
  • Instagram: cameronforan

What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft?

The uphill trend that I have been on makes me a desirable candidate for the upcoming draft with a solid frame, consistency and speed. I have been making steady improvements in strength, speed and target accuracy through every offseason I have had in college that has allowed me to improve upon my confidence and how I approach the game, this is vital as well due to how mental the snapping position is.

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?

I am relentless, I fixate on goals and don’t let go of them until I achieve them. This has given me plenty of success on the field throughout my college career where I came in as a walk-on at Acadia in 2021 explaining to Coach Cummins that I could be a solid long snapper to get a main camp invite. When, at the time I had little to no idea how to snap. I spent 6 months leading up to camp doing nothing but long snapping and getting in shape for the season. I ended up dressing in 3 games the 2021 season and became a pseudo starter in 2022 and the full time punt and field goal snapper in 2023. My relentless ability to adjust my standards to rise to the occasion of my competition keeps me from settling for just good enough as I always strive to be one of the best in the room wherever I am.

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?

Affordable housing has always been an issue that I felt compelled to donate to, and would like to contribute positive change towards in my lifetime. I believe that if we can improve housing security we can improve educational outcomes for children to help give children from low income homes a better chance at being able to break the cycle of poverty. Habitat for Humanity is an organization committed to this issue so I would feel like they would be great to donate to.

Who was your role model?

I couldn’t be more grateful for the influence that both my Mom and Dad had on me. My Mom put herself through university coming from a poor household with a single mother, and has instilled into me her work ethic and it has been something that I have always tried to recreate from her. Likewise with my Dad he had great success on the field as a football captain at Saint Mary’s University where he played for 5 years and made 3 Vanier Cup appearances among the 1988-1992 seasons. I greatly admire both my mom and dad for these reasons and would say that they have had the greatest impact on me out of anyone in my life.

Who is your favorite NFL team?

My whole family are New England Patriots fans, ever since I started watching football I remember cheering for them for that reason, it was never really a decision I made. Having them win throughout my childhood in the Brady/Belichick dynasty made it easy to become a passionate fan of them, so win or lose my allegiance stays with them.

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?

Graham Nightingale seems to be a pretty easy answer in my mind. He is a fast, hard hitting, high IQ inside linebacker who is coming off of a great season last year, and had a very impressive off season playing great at the East West Bowl at the University of Waterloo back in May. Graham is a guy who I strive to match the energy of and the tempo of in regards to how I train and how I approach the game because he’s always doing the right things and is always giving everything he has. It would not surprise me if he ends up having a career in football after university and I feel as though he doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

In a football context I would say getting comfortable. When you get comfortable you start to neglect or take for granted opportunities you may have been given. So seeing guys that feel as though they are entitled to opportunities rather than being granted an opportunity at them rubs me the wrong way. Staying uncomfortable means you feel as though you always have something to prove and I think has been a very big aspect for me in keeping my competitive edge throughout the past couple of years especially after I became a starter.

Who is your favorite teacher ever?

Brad Richard was my Political Science teacher in high school. I always enjoyed how he made the first part of classes very unstructured and were more or less just open ended discussions about what was going on in the world at that point in time before getting into the content he was going to teach. You could tell that he had a very deep love for what he taught and was very invested in the success of his students.

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?

Bar none the hardest thing that I have faced in my life is losing loved ones. Between the ages of 5 and 11 I lost three grandparents. This was hard on me considering when I was 5 years old I lost my grandmother who lived with me, and my Mom and Dad. This really taught me from a young age that the time we have on earth is finite and you cannot take time with anyone for granted nor can you take for granted the chance to do the things that you love. Knowing that God has it all planned out and that I will get the chance to see them again helped bring me peace with these events.

If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house what would it be?

I would say BarBurrito or Chipotle most likely, Mexican food never gets old.

What is your favorite snack food?

Beef Jerky is usually my go to.

What is your degree in?

I am finishing my Bachelors of Business Administration with a major in Accounting.

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I would say Terry Fox, Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Columbus would be three crazy people to get a chance to eat a meal with. All in very different ways went against the grain of what people thought would be possible or achievable in the pursuit of a good greater than themselves. I think there is a lot I could learn from the three of them over the course of a meal about their character for my own personal growth.

What is your biggest weakness?

I can be my own worst enemy, I critique everything that I do which can be very beneficial to my development as a player where the long snapping position is one that demands precision and perfection but it is something that I am actively getting better at being aware of.


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