Boston star football player was stabbed to death in Massachusetts apartment complex

The family of a 20-year-old former star high school football player has announced their loved one has died. Robert Wright Day an enthusiastic young man just beginning his future after graduating from Leominster High School was stabbed to death.
Robert Wright Day played football at Athol High School and finished up at Leominister High. Wright Day was found by police suffering from a stab wound. He was rushed to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead.
Witnesses said the stabbing happened in a parking lot near basketball courts, and at least one vehicle was towed from the complex.
The Worcester County District Attorney’s office said no arrests have been made. Investigators are asking for the public’s help and are seeking any video of the incident. Anyone with any information is asked to call the Leominster police at 978-534-7560.
Cammie Rivera posted a Go Fund Me to help the family with funeral expenses. It is such a sad day, please keep the Wright Day family in your prayers.

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