NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jabea Tilong, DB, University of Nebraska-Kearney

Jabea Tilong, DB, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Jabea Tilong the standout defensive back from the University of Nebraska-Kearney recently sat down with Justin Berendzen of NFL Draft Diamonds.
  • Name: Jabea Tilong
  • Position: DB
  • College: University of Nebraska-Kearney
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Weight: 198 lbs
  • X (Twitter): @jabeatilong
  • Instagram: @jabeasosmooth

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

I feel like football is really challenging and life changing and me and my brothers loved watching Reggie Bush growing up, but I really love what football creates for you athletically and in life as well. It’s just a sport where there’s no way you can cheat, and football is big in my community and guys can play at the next level.

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

Getting better at things I used to be really bad at and how I’ve developed and also how I’ve helped my teammates on and off the field and the locker room moments.

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

My dad, just because he set a foundation to attack the things you need to get done and my dad established that you have to work hard to handle your business and do the right things.

What are you looking forward to in your upcoming season?

The new culture that we’ve established on our team and the new role I’m stepping into and mainly just how we are going to attack each game and respond to adversity and how our culture responds to each game. 

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

Ray Lewis, when it comes to football presence and mind and as a defensive player, he is the symbol of defense, and I would love to pick his brain.

What are your favorite things about playing football for Nebraska Kearney?

It’s a party every home game but we are a hardworking team and Kearney has a history of great players and Kearney exposes every weakness you have but if you put in the effort and hard work both on the field and in the classroom, it will show, and Kearney is a good small town.

What should we know about Jabea Tilong the person?

That I have experienced a lot of adversity to this point and there’s a lot of hard work I’ve put in but I know I still have room to grow and would love to grow the game on and off the field as well. I’m trying to make my mark on the game and spread my knowledge to those coming up trying to play the game as well.

What is your favorite defensive scheme and why?

4-2-5, I’ve been a fan of a lot of nickels, and I feel like a lot of defensive backs can play linebacker, safety, corner or nickel and a lot of guys in the NFL can play everywhere and offense’s do a lot of stuff so having a lot of versatile players is important and that’s why I like 4-2-5.

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

Most of the challenges I have I can always get through so most of the time I just calm down and push myself through it and not taking any moment for granted and keep going and put the work in and just keep going forward. And just going back to when I practice and be confident in my abilities.

What would a team get in a player like you?

A different type of athlete I can move really well, can compete with wide receivers, and they would be adding a different type of defensive back to the team. Who would be a great addition to the locker room as well as in on the football field.

What stands out about your film the most?

I have good feet and explosiveness on my film, as well as being an athlete with great route recognition. But I hope to produce even better film this coming season.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

Originally, I was at the University of Northern Colorado but there was a running back there named Ernesto Rios who was a walk on and Ernesto, his mindset was keep digging and unfortunately, he had to stop playing but I feel he could have been a really good player.


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