Former Utah Star Running Back arrested and charged with threatening girlfriend with KNIFE

Tavion Thomas the star running back from Utah is in jail after being charged with multiple felonies after allegedly threatening his girlfriend with a knife, taking her phone and car keys and saying he would kill her before the police arrive if she called the cops.
Thomas is currently in jail and being held without bail.
He has been charged with two counts of felony aggravated assault and a count of felony aggravated kidnapping while committing unlawful detention as well as a misdemeanor count of interruption/interference of a communications device.
This is the third time Thomas has been accused of being violent towards women or threatening women, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.
His girlfriend showed up in court this week telling the judge that she wants Tavion out of jail and wants him to get counseling. He reportedly suffers from Bi-polar disorder and has anger issues when he is not on his meds. She wants him to get help.
This is a scary situation, regardless if you suffer from Bi-polar disorder. The Utah running back needs help. This is not a good look.

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