2023 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Te’Vailance Hunt, WR, Arkansas State

- Name: Te’Vailance Hunt
- Position: Wide Receiver
- College: TCU/Arkansas State
- Height: 6’1
- Weight: 207
- Twitter: tevailancehunt9
- Instagram: Tevailancehunt10
What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2023 NFL Draft?
⁃ I never look at the end results, I just trust the process to get me where I need to be. The Belief/confidence I have in myself and the humbleness is unmatched. The ability I have to handle and overcome adversity is top tier. All my life I never let anyone tell me how good I was or wasn’t, I just put my head down and worked and that is what got me this far and that is what makes me a standout in the 2023 NFL Draft.
At what age were you first interested in the sport of football?
⁃ I started playing football at the age of 7 my first sport was basketball at 5. Once I picked that football up and found out I was good at It, my interests for the game increased significantly.
What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?
⁃ NFL teams should know that I am willing to work, I am humble and confident in myself. Personality is really good and I feel like I could fit in just about any situation personality wise. I am team player and would do anything to put myself and the team in the best position possible to win.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
⁃ It most likely will be anything homeless related. The reason being is because I know what It feels like not to have meals to eat and sometimes a comfortable place to lay your head at so I would definitely want to give back to the homeless in some form or fashion.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
⁃ My Mother has always told me since I was little to always stay 2 steps ahead of everything that I do. She also came up with a slogan, “stay ready to keep from getting ready” and that stuck with me for so long. That’s where my belief became so strong because even if I felt that I wasn’t ready, I trained my mind to believe that I was ready and make the most of my opportunities and It worked out well.
Who was your childhood hero?
⁃ My mother is my childhood hero, I watched her make ways for me with such little help and once I was old enough to realize what was going on, that helped me see how much of a strong, loving, mother I had. I looked up to her my whole life because whether It was good or bad she never questioned, she just stuck beside me and guided me along the way to be the best I can be in life.
Who is the most underrated teammate in your locker room at your school?
⁃ My two years being at Arkansas state, I would say the “Most” underrated teammate would be Khyheem Waleed. His release vs press were next level and he has the film to prove that. He was close to 4.0 GPA so that lets you know he’s a natural student of the game. He never complained about what reps he had, whatever task they put him in he put his head down and excelled in It. If he was able to get in a good rhythm at wide receiver, we would’ve been hearing his name all over.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
⁃ In the football world, I am not a big fan of arrogant people. There’s one thing being confident but arrogant is not the way to be because you can get everything taking away in a split second. So why not remain humble, know what you’re capable of and letting your play do all the talking. I know a lot of people who talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk.
Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
⁃ The hardest moment in my life was watching my mom struggle and not being able to do anything about It. That is the reason why I work so hard to get to where I want to go so she wouldn’t have to struggle again. A lot of people say you should always focus on you first but she is apart of me, without her and God there is no me so of course I’m going to do this for her before anything.
Tell me something about your school and why it is so special to you?
⁃ The transition from TCU to Arkansas State was a big one especially due to covid. You stop seeing people walking the campus because of the COVID risks so It didn’t feel like a true university at times which sucked. In the football world Arkansas State was special to me because the fans there showed nothing but love. You’re usually hidden underneath all the pads and helmet so they never get to see your face, and for them to know who you are outside of football is a good feeling to have.
What is your favorite snack food?
⁃ My favorite snack food would be probably any kind of hot chips and cookies. If I could eat those everyday I would but due to needing a healthy body to perform at the highest level possible I am not able to do that.
What is the best part of football?
⁃ I’d say the best part is just being able to go out there and be free and have fun. You’re able to show the world who you are and what type of player you are and I think that was my biggest thing. I wanted the world to see that I was good player and a team player. Your brothers you’ve created on the team as well is a major part of football because you get to play for one another and enjoy all the moments.
If you could sell yourself in one sentence what would you say?
⁃ I’d say you’re going to get someone who is going work as hard as possible at whatever task is at hand while doing It humbly and to the best of my ability.
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be?
⁃ If I had to choose, I’m not big on comparing but the most accurate will probably be Deandre Hopkins, not the fastest or flashiest but always finds a way to get open and has a good catch radius.
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?
⁃ Julio Jones, Lebron James, Alicia Keys. Julio Jones because he is my favorite WR and I would want to know what It took for him to get to where he’s at now and gain that knowledge from him. Lebron James because he has great knowledge of how to take care of your body, he spend millions a year so I would want to know how to steal 10 years and add that to my career. Alicia Keys just because that’s my celebrity crush, I probably wouldn’t even know what to say to her but that would be a life changing moment for me for sure.

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