NFL Draft Diamonds

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2023 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Robbie Williamson, CB, Baldwin Wallace

Robbie Williamson the standout cornerback from Baldwin Wallace recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot
Robbie Williamson the standout cornerback from Baldwin Wallace recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot
  • Name: Robbie Williamson
  • Position: Cornerback 
  • College: Baldwin Wallace 
  • Height: 5’9
  • Weight: 180
  • Twitter: williamsonthe1
  • Instagram: whodat_robbie

What makes you a top prospect at your position  in the 2023 NFL Draft?

 Not only can I play corner, I can play nickel as well. I have speed and quickness to cover a lot of ground. I am a cover guy and heavy hitter all in one.

At what age were you first interested in the sport of football?

6 years old 

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you? 

 I can pick up the playbook in a timely manner.

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be? 

An orphanage. Everyone needs to be loved and feel like they have a place to call home. 

What is the best advice you have ever received?

To learn from your failures. 

Who was your childhood hero?

Braxton Miller.

Who is the most underrated teammate in your locker room at your school?

Jordan Smith 

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Leaders who lead with very little action.

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?

There are a lot of obstacles I overcame in my life that make me who I am today. From being a kid walking 45 minutes to little league practice to transferring schools in college. I would like to say that the obstacles of life get hard but the willingness to keep striving for greatness daily. 

Tell me something about your school and why it is so special to you? 

My head coach is an all-around good guy and his actions are the reason this football program is so close together. The fan base here is pretty good here; it keeps the guys fired up every Saturday.

What is your favorite snack food?

Honey buns

What is the best part of football?

Winning nothing feels better than leaving the field knowing your hard work paid off.

If you could sell yourself in one sentence what would you say? 

I’m a very consistent player with great eye discipline and speed.

If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be?

Tyrann Mathieu.

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

My mother, her advice, and view on things are mostly what I live by. (alive) Floyd Mayweather, he is arguably one of the best athletes of all time and not only is he an athlete he is a businessman. Lebron James, is a family man, and his children are following in his steps of greatness his look on life would be great to hear


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