NFL Draft Diamonds

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2023 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Kory Curtis, QB, Gannon University

Kory Curtis the gunslinger from Gannon University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds writer Justin Berendzen.
Kory Curtis the gunslinger from Gannon University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds writer Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Kory Curtis
  • Position: QB
  • College: Gannon University
  • Height: 6’4″
  • Weight: 235 lbs
  • Twitter: @korycurtis12
  • Instagram: @korycurtis12

What is your favorite pass play and why?

My favorite pass play is mesh. I like it because it beats any type of defense. You read the widest defender to the wheel side. If the widest defender gets depth, it’s some type of zone and you go from mesh to OTB to mesh going the other way. If the widest defender runs with the mesh, then you go to wheel mesh to mesh. If you identify it’s quarters, alert the post.

What type of energy do you bring onto the football field?

On the field, I bring the quiet confidence. Don’t get me wrong I bring the energy, but I draw from the people I’ve shared a quarterback room with such as JT Barrett, Dwayne Haskins, and Joe Burrow; one thing we all have in common is we are leaders by example until it’s time to bring it.

3.What are your favorite moments from your football life?

My favorite memories of my football life come from different areas. One is when we won the Rose Bowl after the game the defensive coordinator said I was the reason we won the game because I had given them the look better than even their own quarterback. Another memory is whenever I threw the game winning touchdown to Sam East in the first play of overtime at Gannon.

What sets you apart from other quarterbacks?

What sets me apart from other quarterbacks is the fact that I’ve been there before and next to first round draft picks, and I’ve seen that there isn’t a big difference between us. I have the confidence in my ability that I can make a play in any situation. I think that everyone else has had the luxury of being able to have time to throw the ball. Where I have been that has not been the case so I think being able to make the throws while getting hit. I think my grittiness sets me apart as well.

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

I decided I wanted to be a football player at a young age whenever it was all I wanted to do. My dad started me young, and I loved having the ball in my hands. I think it’s the same love I had when I first started that allows me to continually have love for the game now!

How do you prepare for games?

I play mental games with myself during the week that allows me to just be myself on the field on game day. I work so hard in the off-season that I know no one else outworked me. I get about 15-20 hours of film each week and I work extra after practice on things that I know I’m gonna need playing the team that’s next!

What should we know about Kory Curtis the person?

I am someone who will always be there for anyone. Regardless of my place in life, God gave me a purpose to help others and I will continue to do that regardless of my success.

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

It used to be Tim Tebow until I met him and got to talk with him about football but now I would hang out with Peyton Manning and pick his brain on football. I love watching the Manning Show because I get a little insight on the way those guys think!

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

This is something that I’ve been dealing with lately with the loss of my best friend Dwayne. Regardless if it’s something on or off the field I take my breaths and realize that this is a moment in time and better is around the corner. One play, one second doesn’t define me. I think of the E+R=O which I was taught Ohio state. For every Event that happens in your life you have a Response that determines your Outcome. I stand by that slogan.

What would a team get in a player like you?

A team would get someone who is a student of the game and someone who works harder than the rest on and off the field.

What are you looking forward to in your upcoming season?

I’m looking forward in progressing my game and giving the rest of the seniors a season to remember!

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

There is a couple players that I’ve played with that are underrated. At Ohio State it was Demario McCall which could do it all and at Gannon there is Melvin Blanks a guy who can play at the next level (RB), Montana Nietert who only had one QB pressure last year (Guard) and Damerisse Freeman Jr a (WR) transfer from Toledo who is due for a big year! .


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