Ex-Football Coach who lost his job for praying with football players just WON his case in the Supreme Court

Well the coach who stood up for righteousness has won in the high courts! Maybe not the highest of high courts, but the Supreme Court just ruled in his favor 6-3 along ideological lines that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.
If you remember, Joseph Kennedy prayed on the field every game for seven years straight while coaching for a high school in Washington State. It was not until September of 2015 when another coach took offense to it and reported him.
The coach who did not like it though served as a catalyst to ultimately cost Kennedy his job. They claim he was fired for defying directives to end his practice of praying on the field.
Kennedy chose not to reapply for his coaching position at Bremerton High School and sued the district in August 2016 for violating his First Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of his faith.
Kennedy was placed on paid administrative leave for praying on the fifty yard line and the athletic director recommended Kennedy not be re-hired.
Kennedy fought this for years. He kept being denied by the courts. He kept failing and finally the Supreme Court decided they would hear his case again this week. After failing miserably for years, Kennedy and the Lord prevailed!
Today he won in the Supreme Court!

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