Former NFL player arrested for domestic violence after he bit a woman’s nose

Every once in a while there is a really strange incident that has to do with an NFL player, and Antonio Andrews the former Titans running back wins that award today.
According to reports, Andrew Andrew’s was arrested Wednesday and now faces charges following a domestic incident, according to NBC affiliate WSMV-TV in Nashville.
Andrews has been charged with aggravated stalking, vandalism over $1,000, violation of an ex-parte protective order and harassment.
The former Western Kentucky standout running back who went undrafted and was signed by the Titans is the winner of today’s most bizarre story.
According to the police report, Andrew’s met a women for drinks and dinner on Wednesday, and the two left and went back to his apartment. This is when the story gets interesting Andrews asked to see her phone and the woman did not want to comply.
At that point, Andrew bit the woman’s nose. Yes, he bit her causing her to drop the phone. He then grabbed the phone but could not open it. He would reportedly slid the phone across the concrete damaging the phone.
The police are trying to sort out the story but needless to say Andrews was still hungry after dinner.

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