Big Ben was pissed about Jay Glazer’s workout comments and called him on it

Jay Glazer took a huge shot at Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger saying Ben did not work out.
“There is no fitness in Ben Roethlisberger.”
Jay continued, “His idea of a great off-season workout program is doing one yoga session, playing golf, and drinking some beer.”
Well I guess Big Ben was not happy about it and called Glazer to speak to him about his comments. Jay was a guest on “The Jason Smith Show”
Glazer was a guest on “The Jason Smith Show” last week and addressed the situation. Glazer said Ben was upset.
“I make fun of Ben all the time and he makes fun of me,” Glazer stated. “It’s a locker room. We get after each other. But he was honestly upset by this and I credit him, too, that he called me back about it, or that he reached out. Because he reached out and then we talked about it. As a man, if you’ve got an issue with somebody, you call him. That’s why I called him. He called me back and we handled it and we hashed it out. And yeah, he’s like, ‘I am rehabbing,’”
Glazer commended him for contacting him, but still that had to be an awkward phone conversation. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall.

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