Draft Diamonds Prospect Interview: Cantrell Andrews, DB, SE Missouri
Draft Diamonds Prospect Interview: Cantrell Andrews, DB, SE Missouri How many teams were recruiting you out of high school? One team Where did you choose and why? I attended Missouri Valley, because that was my only opportunity to further my education while playing football. What were your goals for your senior year? Be a mentor to all my teammates At your position, what separates you from the others? Tell us what you look for when breaking down film? Tendencies that may dictate certain plays coming up. Who was the toughest player you have ever faced? Da'Rick Rodgers What is your biggest strength? My biggest strength is my passion and drive to not give up or quit.
What is your biggest weakness? I wouldn't necessarily, but I do need to learn how to channel my passion for the game. Growing up, who was your role model? My Mom and Dad Who was your favorite team and player in the NFL and why? My favorite team is the Chicago bears and my favorite player is Charles Tillman because of the way he played. If you were to have dinner with three people dead or alive who would it be? Martain Luther King Jr., Malcom X, and Barack Obama

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