NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jas Khaira, OL, Queen’s University

Jas Khaira the standout offensive lineman from Queen’s University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot.
  • Name: Jas Khaira
  • Position: Offensive Line
  • College: Queen’s University
  • Height: 6’5
  • Weight: 295
  • Instagram: @jas_khairaa

What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft?

My football IQ and finish are what make me a top prospect. I have a great understanding of defensive and offensive systems that allow me to apply the correct technique to make my blocks. The knowledge puts me in the correct positions to make my blocks but my finish puts me above as a prospect. I have great pride in my finish. I like to play a fast and physical game and ensure my opponents know that every time they are up against me, it’s going to be a dawg fight.

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?

One thing that teams should know about me is that I am very competitive. I will do whatever it takes to win and help my team win. I am always looking to grow and love competition with my teammates, pushing each other to limits to ensure we work toward our team goal of winning football games.

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?

I would donate to help support youth sports. I think every child should have the opportunity to play sports as they gain many valuable skills. Individuals learn how to play with a team and gain competitive experiences. I believe no child should have money stopping them from experiencing sports.

Who was your role model?

My role model is my Mom. She has always shown me how to work hard and how to differentiate between the good and the bad. She taught me to never let anything get in the way of my dreams. She pushes me every day to become the best version of myself and never quits on anything that I have started. Once I start something I must finish it. These life lessons are things I look back at every day, especially in the moments when life might be really hard.

Who is your favorite NFL team?

Baltimore Ravens

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?

DB – Keegan Vanek

What is your biggest pet peeve?

When people chew their food with their mouths open

Who is your favorite teacher ever?

Mr. Zizek, Middle School Gym Teacher

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?

The hardest moment in my life to overcome was when my grandma passed away during my 2022 season. It happened mid-season and it was the first time in my life where I had lost someone close to me. It was very hard emotionally to continue being there for my team and providing my full effort in helping the team prepare for the next game. With the help of friends and family, I pushed through that battle and dedicated the rest of the season to my late grandma.

If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house what would it be?


What is your favorite snack food?

Beef Jerky

What is your degree in?

Commerce Undergraduate Degree Specialization In Accounting

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady, and Steve Jobs

What is your biggest weakness?

My biggest weakness is being too hard on myself. I hold myself to a high standard and sometimes that interferes with my ability to perform.


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