NFL Draft Diamonds

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2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Darius Maxwell, WR, Lincoln University (CA)

Darius Maxwell the standout wide receiver from Lincoln University (CA) recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds owner Damond Talbot.
  • Name: Darius Maxwell
  • Position: WR
  • College: Lincoln University (CA)
  • Height: 5’9
  • Weight: 180
  • Twitter: @__6ixxx
  • Instagram: D.maxwell6

What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft

What makes me a top prospect in the 2025 draft is that I’m a game changer. It’s takes 1 play to change the game and I’m they guy that can flip the whole game around. 

What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?

Im a hard worker and a leader on and off the field. I come from a loving family that raised a great leader. People might look at my size but after I play and they see I play bigger than I am they follow !

If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be? 

If I could donate to one cause vim the world it would be to find a treatment for breast cancer. The reason I say that is I have an aunt who passed from it and really made my head spin knowing it’s nothing we can do about it but pray and trust God! 

Who was your role model? 

I can’t fully directly point out and one person because it took village to get me where I’m  at today. I can name 4 MY DAD , My trainer/mentor/big bro Peter Luton, Oliver Bozeman & Jarvis Landry. 

Who is your favorite NFL team?

I don’t have a team at the moment but my favorite player is Jarvis Landry 

Who is the most underrated teammate at your school? 

The most underrated teammate at my school right now is Eric Brice ! He’s a hard worker and also play bigger than he is. He got speed and will run straight through you! Stronger than everyone on the team and one of the smallest on the team. 

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

My biggest pet peeve is to much talking and no doing ! I’m more of a do er not gonna say a lot until we on the field or in anything. 

Who is your favorite teacher ever?

My favorite teacher ever is MS.ESPINOZA she my teacher my jr year of high school at Western High school in Davie fl . I don’t know where i would be without her she pushed me to where I need to be and helped in ways I can’t explain. 

Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome? 

All my life I had to deal with adversity but the biggest was being smaller than the other WR’s thank God for slot WR. Until the coaches seen I play bigger than I am I get put in a box just for jet sweeps and stuff but when i get out there and start running routes and catching it turns into a whole different ball game every time it never fails. 

If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house what would it be?

If I could have any franchise restaurants in my house it would be a place in Florida called HOOKS AND CHICKEN if you know you know !

What is your favorite snack food? 

My favorite snack is pop tarts, I love em!

What is your degree in? 

I will be getting my degree in psychology 

If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

If I could have dinner with anyone it would be lil durk because he my favorite rapper and I want to really get to understand where he be coming from and learn money management, Kevin Durant my favorite basketball player just want to pick his brain to on being a professional , and my brother Richie one last time and that’s because I couldn’t say bye one more time before he passed.

What is your biggest weakness? 

My biggest weakness trying not thinking too much about stuff I can’t control at all. I will sit right there and overthink things or wonder why. But I had to learn LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING!


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