2023 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jean Marcellus, OL, Adams State University

- Name: Jean Marcellus
- Position: OL
- College: Adams State University
- Height: 6’4
- Weight: 315lbs
- Twitter: @bigjean72
- Instagram:@bigjean_75
What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2023 NFL Draft?
What makes me the top prospect at my position in the 2023 NFL Draft, is my versatility as an offensive lineman. In my whole college career of playing football, I have played all five positions that an O-lineman can play, So I have the perspective and experience of what each position should be able to do. Which also mean I am very coachable, willing to learn any new technique or tools I can add to my arsenal. Also, my IQ of the game is at a high level, which mean I am looking for any little details on film that will give my team an advantage for me to execute and dominate each play at the best of my abilities. Which also mean I am able to identify what defenses are running before the play starts.
At what age were you first interested in the sport of football?
I was interested in football since I was 10, but didn’t really start playing it until I was in 8th grade. That was mostly because I was too big for all the little leagues, until I found a league that was only age restricted.
What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?
One thing NFL teams should know about me is that I will always put God first in everything I do, and I wouldn’t be where I am at without Him. Which also mean my character as a person will always speak for itself.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
It would have to be towards helping orphans from different countries get adopted. That’s mostly because I have big love for kids, and a lot of orphans especially ones from a different country are not able to get adopted. So as a Haitian native, it really upsets me that these Haitian kids with no parents are not able to find new homes or families to got to. That’s why I hope to one day change that narrative.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
The best advice that was ever given to me would have to be from the bible it actually became one of my favorite verses that I can lean on when times get tuff. The verse was from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This bible verse will always stick with me for the rest of my life.
Who was your childhood hero?
It would have to be my parents; they have done so much for me in order for me to achieve my goals. They have also sacrifice so much for me, especially my mom. My mom is one of the strongest, nurturing, Loving, and most fearless woman I have ever known. So, I hope one day I can repay them back any way possible.
Who is the most underrated teammate in your locker room at your school?
It would have to be one of my fellow offensive linemen, Matagi Dupont. He is one of the most vicious hard-working linemen I have the pleasure of playing along side with. What is crazy he is only a sophomore and by the time he is a senior he will be one of the top dominant offensive linemen in our conference.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is that I hate it when people waste food, like come on there are countries out there who would kill to eat all the food that we waste every day. Plus, my mom raised me better than that, how do you think I got so big.
Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
The hardest moment in my life would have to be my sophomore year in college back in my last university I attended. When I was told that I could have my scholarship taken away because I couldn’t perform the way my coach wanted me to perform because I was fat. I literally cried after that meeting, and it wasn’t the fact that he called me fat, it was the fact that my scholarship could have been taken away and I would have let all the people rooting for me down. Which that really got to me bad, so I called one of my mentors and he reminded me to leave it in Gods hands which I did. I also did my part in really trying to get my body right and perform at my best. What’s crazy is that coaching staff left that following semester and I got better after that incident.
Tell me something about your school and why it is so special to you?
Adams State University is one of those schools that as a small community it draws you in with open arms and the people are just so awesome. It is special to me because the town of Alamosa welcomed a city boy from Tampa like me with love and compassion and helped me make the town my second home.
What is your favorite snack food?
My favorite snack food would have to be Pringles, like literally any flavor would satisfy me.
What is the best part of football?
The best part of football is being able to brutally punish a man to the dirt without any consequences.
If you could sell yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
If any NFL teams were looking for the most hardworking, attention to detail, technical, and the most coachable offensive lineman in the draft then I am their player.
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL, who would it be?
It would have to be Tyron Smith, mostly because he is an absolute technician with his hands and his feet. Which I personally think I’m the same way or still striving to be. Plus being a left tackle was one of my first positions as an offensive lineman and Tyron Smith would be the first person I look for on YouTube.
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My first one would have to be Ray Lewis, mostly because he was one of the first leadership role models, I looked up to growing up while playing football. The second one would be Dwayne Johnson aka “The Rock”, and that’s because he is legit the coolest person in entertainment, and he is an awesome businessman that I can take a few pointers from. Lastly, I would have dinner with Kevin Hart because he is literally one of the funniest comedians/actors to ever live. Plus whom wouldn’t want to laugh their butt off at the dinner table.

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