Hula Bowl Spotlight Interview: Travell Harris, WR, Washington State University | Presented by PowerPlus Mouthguard

- Name: Travell Harris
- Position: WR, KR, PR
- College: Washington State
- Height: 5’8
- Weight: 180
- Twitter: @_THarris1
- Instagram: @5travell0
What are you hoping to show scouts at the 2022 Hula Bowl?
- At the 2022 Hula Bowl, I’m hoping to show scouts my character, explosiveness, and speed.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
- I would donate to the Hilinski Hope Foundation because mental health as student-athletes is very important and Tyler was not only my teammate, he was my brother.
Tell our readers one thing that the world may not know about you? (Special Talents)
- One thing that the world may not know about me is that I’m very good at Ping-Pong.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
- Don’t ever stop learning and growing as a person

What is your favorite song to listen to before kickoff?
- Masego & FKJ: Tadow
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
- I would be a lion because they are one of the most dominant and strong animals in the animal kingdom.
Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
- The hardest moments in my life was the death of my two teammates. Tyler Hilinski and Byrce Beekman
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be?
- Tyler Lockett
Did you have a favorite player or team in the NFL when you were growing up?
- My favorite team growing up was Tampa Bay Buccaneers
- Favorite Player growing up was Percy Harvin
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?
- Martin Luther King Jr, because he was one of the most talked-about black history legends when I was in grade school so I quickly became interested to learn about his legacy.
- Muhammad Ali, because he is admired by every sportsperson for his skillset and will, I would love to learn from him.
- Wes Welker, because I heard great stories from my former head coach Mike Leach about his grit and determination and I believe we have similar playing styles. I would love to talk football with him.

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