Hula Bowl Spotlight Interview: Jacobi Francis, DB, University of Memphis | Presented by Wristband Bros

- Name: Jacobi Francis
- Position: DB (Corner / Nickel/ Safety)
- College: University of Memphis
- Height: 5’10
- Weight: 200
- Twitter: COB1_
- Instagram: COB1__
What are you hoping to show scouts at the 2022 Hula Bowl?
- That I can compete against anybody that lines in front of me, and that I can play anywhere in the secondary and make plays all over.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
- Mental wellness programs
Tell our readers one thing that the world may not know about you? (Special Talents)
- I can play the snare drum/I enjoy watching movies all day
What is the best advice you have ever received?
- Never doubt me and my abilities because GOD has already placed everything I need inside of me and already wrote my future. (My mom)
What is your favorite song to listen to before kickoff?
- Varies all over the place. Usually between Gunna, Lil Double 0, FCG Heem, BlueBucksClan, Drakeo the Ruler, or MIA Babyface

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
- Wolf
Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
- Realizing that I hit a low point in my college career and felt that I wasn’t good anymore. Had to change my mental and physical and started to get back to feeling unstoppable and realized that nobody is perfect.
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be?
- Kenny Moore
Did you have a favorite player or team in the NFL when you were growing up?
- Favorite player – Michael Vick / Favorite Team – Atlanta Falcons
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?
- Kobe Bryant, so I could be able to sit down and talk with him and be able to pick his brain apart as far as being an overall person and athlete
- Johnny Depp, one of my favorite actors to watch in movies. Enjoy watching the range and different roles he gets to play in movies
- Leonardo DiCaprio, it would be fun to sit down and eat dinner with him and just talk about anything!

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