Former NFL player Phillip Adams who killed six people then himself, suffered from CTE

Former NFL football player Phillip Adams who in April shot and killed six people before turning the gun on himself, suffered from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy).
According to Ann McKee, a neuropathologist and director of Boston University discovered that Adams did in fact suffer from the disease and presented the findings during a news conference.
McKee said Adams suffered from “severe” frontal lobe damage similar to what was found in Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL tight end who was convicted of murder in 2015 before killing himself in 2017, according to USA Today.
Several football players suffer from CTE, which is caused by repetitive trauma to the head, which happens during football.
Adams had stage 2 CTE, with stage 4 being the most severe, according to McKee.
This does not mean that the killings were caused by the brain injury, but they could have played a role in the incidents. Please continue to pray for the families affected.

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