University of Georgia football player arrested on four felony charges including a weapons’ charge

Police were called on campus back on November 14th of a man with a gun on campus near the McWhorter Hall. When police arrived they found Freshman standout football player Nyland Green with a black Beretta BB Gun. He was reportedly pointing the gun in the direction of another male and playing with the weapon, before the police calls.
Police arrested the top 100 recruit from the 2021 class. Green was charged by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday on four felony charges and four more misdemeanor charges, according to records from the Clarke County Jail.
When police searched his room they found he had a tan Colt M45A1 BB gun on school property in his dorm room. According to reports, there was a damaged window on the campus and a BB was the cause of the damage.
Green’s total bond is set for $17,000. Both of the carrying a weapon in school zone charges carry a bond amount of $2,000. The damage to property charges carry bond amounts of $5,000 and $4,000, and each of the reckless conduct charges carry a bond amount of $1,000, according to jail records.
Green is the second UGA defensive player known to have been arrested this season. Linebacker Adam Anderson was arrested and charged after a 21-year-old woman accused him of raping her in an Athens apartment on Oct. 29.

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