2022 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Kyle Gallagher, DL, Marietta College

- Name: Kyle Gallagher
- Position: DL
- College: Marietta College
- Height: 6’0″
- Weight: 255 lbs
- Twitter: @Kylegallagher75
1. What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?
From the first time I ever strapped up a helmet, I fell in love with the sport and everything about it.
2. If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?
Ray Lewis, because one, he’s my favorite player of all time, and two, the things he could teach me, not just about football, but about real life and leadership would be extremely valuable to me.
3. What type of energy do you bring onto the football field?
I’m more of a “lead by example” type of guy, so the energy that I bring is through the plays I make out on the field.
4. What are your favorite things about playing football for Marietta?
My coaches and teammates. They are family to me and I’ve been able to make a lot of strong relationships that will last forever.
5. What is your favorite workout?
All of them.
6. What are your favorite moments from your football life?
My sophomore year, being able to play for one of Marietta’s winningest teams in school history was pretty awesome to be apart of.
7. What should we know about Kyle Gallagher the person?
I’m a very respectful and humble person who works very hard for everything I got in life. And no matter what it is, I always strive to be the best.
8. How do you prepare for games?
A lot of film study throughout game week and I always run the movie “300” before game time to get my mind right.
9. What do you think are the keys to success on the football field?
Dedication, hard work, consistency in preparation, and continuously trying to improve.
10. What would a team get in a player like you?
They would get a guy who would come in every day, put his head down, and go to work. They would get someone who would be constantly striving to better himself day in and day out.
11. What is a moment that improved you as a football player?
My sophomore year, week 5 against Heidelberg. I played my best football in my career up until that point. Before that game I felt I was just another guy on the team, and after that game I feel I established myself. From that point on, I haven’t stopped improving.
12. What sets you apart from other defensive linemen?
My initial quickness, my ability to control the line of scrimmage, and my hands. I have very active and fast hands.

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