2022 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Bailey Giffen, K/P, Lamar University

- Name: Bailey Giffen
- Position: K/P
- College: Lamar University
- Height: 5’9″
- Weight: 183 lbs
- Twitter: @ThatGuyBailey01
- Instagram: @the_gif_that_keeps_on_giffen
1.What sets you apart from other kickers?
I think my athleticism, work ethic, and mindset can set me apart from others. I’m able to do more as a kicker with the time I spend working on all of these factors. I take pride in my work ethic in the weight room and at practice in order to be able to perform to my expectations on the field. I also have high expectations for myself as I’m my biggest critic. I expect to perform a certain way in order to better myself and the team.
2.How do you prepare for games?
Preparations throughout the week are pretty similar. I don’t think too hard about who who we go up against, but I will spend more time working on specialty kicks we believe will be effective. One thing I do every week is I look at film to try and come up with a specialty kick I can give to the coaching staff. I also look at pictures and videos of the stadium we will be playing at to get a better idea of what to expect when kicking certain directions, scenery, and the overall atmosphere.
3.What past or present NFL coach would you want to learn from the most and why?
I would probably say Bill Belichick. With the success he has had I would want to learn what it takes to have that. He has also had many successful special teams players over the years in kickers and punters. I would love to hear what he has to say about his experience with them and what helped them to be successful over time. Maybe some of that success would rub off.
4.What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?
I played youth football up until high school when I focused on baseball. I suffered an arm injury and wasn’t able to throw for a few months. I was kicking a football at a Christmas party as it hurt to throw. My cousin told me I wasn’t too bad and I should keep at it. I don’t know why, but I continued to practice that year and tried out the last day of school before senior year.
5.What are you still learning as a football player?
I’m still learning how to be a better leader. Being one of the older vets on the team, there are a lot of young guys that I can help by leading by example and lending advice when needed. I just hope to be someone they can look up to and come to if they ever need anything.
6.What are your favorite things about playing football for Lamar?
The friendships I’ve made here. I was lucky enough to transfer into a group of guys that treated me as their own and like family. We became close spending so much time together on and off the field. These people awesome of my biggest supporters and we will be close for years to come.
7.How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?
Ultimately I look at what is the problem, how do I solve it, and what do I hope to gain from the situation. In football, if something isn’t going right or if I’m not where I want to be at the time, I work until I can’t anymore. I may have a problem of not giving myself enough rest because I have the mentality that I won’t stop until I’m satisfied.
8.What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workouts are the upper body. Being a kicker, there is the stigma that we are weaker and smaller but I try and break that stereotype within our team. When new players arrive and ask me what position I play and say they thought I was something else, it makes me feel as if I’m doing something right.
9.What is a moment that improved you as a football player?
In my first semester at Lamar, there were times where I missed important kicks. The coaching staff and players never lost confidence in me and trusted me to go out there and hit the winning kicks in overtime. That helped me in trusting myself, my abilities, and letting me know that I belong and can be what I expect myself to be.
10.What would a team get in a player like you?
A team would get a guy with a walk-on mentality. My journey has been long with its fair share of challenges as I had to work hard to come back and be the player I am today. I take pride in my work ethic in that I am one of the hardest-working players around. They would also get a guy that can compete and challenge in any situation and shows up every day ready to be there.
11.What are you looking forward to in your upcoming season?
I’m looking forward to going into my last season and having fun, enjoying the time I get to spend with this family in my last collegiate season as a player. I’m hoping to build on the good seasons I’ve had previously to hopefully have a shot at the next level. I’m looking forward to everything to click and hopefully make a run into the postseason.
12.What type of energy do you bring onto the football field?
During a game, I walk up and down the sidelines interacting with teammates. I spend a lot of time at the net trying to stay loose and prepared for when my number is called. I try and stay upbeat to keep loose and calm.

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