2021 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Marshon Crowder, S, University of Dubuque

- Name: Marshon Crowder
- Height: 6’1”
- Weight: 205 lbs
- Position: Athlete/Safety
- College: University of Dubuque
- Twitter: @MarsCrowder7
What is the best restaurant in your hometown city?
• Woodfire Grille or El Pasianos.
When breaking down your film what will stick out?
• Certain flaws of a player I could take advantage of.
If you won the lotto, what is the first thing you would do with the money?
• Invest in some low income buildings, to help those who struggle with housing, as well as better the community.
What has been your biggest failure?
• Not graduating college early to pursue health career.
What do your teammates say is your best quality?
• My Leadership and world ethic, lead by example type of person.
Who is the hardest working teammate on your team?
• Freddy Walton and AJ Hunter
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
• Just Mars!
Check out NFL Draft Diamonds 2021 Small School Rankings
What is your degree in, if you do not make it as a football player, what is your dream job?
• My under graduate degree is Human Health Science, while I’m pursuing an EMT certification, with hopes of going to graduate school to be a Physicians Assistant.
What is your coolest life moment?
• Becoming a father to a beautiful baby boy!
What song would you sing at Karaoke night?
• I’m big on late 90’s early 00’s R&B.
If you could pick any actor to play you in a movie, who are you picking?
• Micheal B. Jordan, he could capture the role with ease.
Who is your favorite football team?
• Chicago Bears
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
• “Beware, the truth may hurt.”
What is your biggest fear?
• Absolute biggest fear is being average.
Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
• Taysom Hill, hands down.
Take us through game day, How do you prepare?
• Headphones go in right after team brunch. I take a stroll through campus to get to the locker room. I change into my shorts and socks and cleats. Walk onto the field, then begin my warm-up routine. Stretch, jig, couple sprints, couple technique drills, then boom, I have a sweat going. All during this warm-up session, I envision the game in my mind.
Do you have any hobbies?
• Cooking, Biking, Gaming
If you had to compare yourself to someone in the NFL, who would that be?
• A Micheal Joseph or Defensive Taysom Hill.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
• My family and my son. Without them I really wouldn’t be in the situation I’m in now.
What motivates you to work hard?
• Being a statistic. All my life I’ve worked and trained myself to beat the odds by all means. I follow my own path.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at nfldraftdiamonds@gmail.com