2021 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Keenan Stegall, DB, Quincy University

- Name: Keenan Stegall
- Height: 6’1
- Weight: 195
- Position: DB
- College: Quincy University
- Twitter: @SooKeen_
What is the best restaurant in your hometown city?
• Alton’s Sports Tap
When breaking down your film what will stick out?
• Relentlessness to go make plays and my hustle to the ball
If you won the lotto, what is the first thing you would do with the money?
• I would say either invest to make more money or buy my mom her dream home
What has been your biggest failure?
• Never winning a State Ring
What do your teammates say is your best quality?
• Leading by example on the field and in the classroom
Who is the hardest working teammate on your team?
• Besides myself, I would have to say Andrew Rund (starting QB) he is a scholar in the classroom, a part of multiple clubs around campus, practices his faith constantly, studies hours of film, and of course he works hard to perfect his craft on the field
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
• I have multiple nicknames but I became fond of the one they call me in college which is Steeeeg!!
What is your degree in, if you do not make it as a football player, what is your dream job?
• I am an Exercise Science Pre Physical therapy major. My dream job is to own my own physical therapy business in order to find the most effective ways to deal with faster recovery of all patients. I also hope to get certified in strength and conditioning as well as become certified as a personal trainer.
What is your coolest life moment?
• Being able to be a part of a group called Rock Steady Boxing. This is a group that helps Parkinson’s patients be able to get up and be active as well as working on exercises that will help them be able to live more normal lives.
What song would you sing at Karaoke night?
• Sir Mix-A-Lot – baby got back
If you could pick any actor to play you in a movie, who are you picking?
• Mark Walberg
Who is your favorite football team?
Check out NFL Draft Diamonds 2021 Small School Rankings
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
• WARNING: this item can attack with deadly speed and power, it’s aggressive but controlled nature can cause many problems to those who oppose it.
What is your biggest fear?
• Losing family and Snakes
Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
• Keenan Allen
Take us through game day, How do you prepare?
• I listen to music from the time I wake up until it is game time. I eat a nice meal before I go to the field. Once I arrive at the field I start my warm up and after I am nice and loose I like to just play catch with a teammate, I find catch to be a good way to get the mind right. I also like to watch Karl Joseph’s highlights from West Virginia before it is time to take the field for game time because I love how violent he plays and it puts me in that mood to go make plays during game time.
Do you have any hobbies?
• Gaming, fishing, hiking
If you had to compare yourself to someone in the NFL, who would that be?
• I don’t really like comparing myself to others because I’d rather be my own person with my own skill set that defines my abilities. Although if I had to I would say that I play like a Jamal Adams or a Karl Joseph.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
– My uncle Justin is my biggest influence. I say this because to me he is the definition of overcoming adversity. He was kicked out of his first college and placed on academic probation. He then went back the next semester and finished at that school. After this he went and got his doctorate degree and has been a professor at The University of Texas at Austin and also the University of Indiana Bloomington. I am also inspired that he was able to do more than just provide well for his two children and his wife who was a stay at home wife for a while until the kids got older.
What motivates you to work hard?
• This is a pretty easy and straight to the point answer. My only motivation in life is to make my family proud and to become the absolute best version of myself that I can be.

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