2020 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Lherrisson Fontilisse, DB, West Liberty University

• Name: Lherrisson Fontilisse
• Height: 5’9
• Weight: 185
• Position: Defensive Back
• College: West Liberty University
• Twitter: @TurntUp_LaLa
Tell us about your hometown, and what you love most about it?
• I’m from Orlando, Florida & one thing I love about it is that from the little leagues to the professional leagues everything about sports in this city is serious and played with passion. No matter what level you end up on, my city will always support & give words of encouragement to help push you along the way.
List these three in order of importance and why: Film Study, Strength and Conditioning and Practice?
- Film study: Preparation and knowledge can take you a long way in games by seeing the players actions in specific situations. It gives an advantage to help see their strengths & weaknesses that can help me identify some goals/strategies for the upcoming game.
- Strength & conditioning: Strength and conditioning helps build/maintain muscular strength & gives players endurance to play the duration of the game. It also helps with the prevention of injuries to players.
- Practice: Everything ounce of studying, preparation, & experience is experimented at practice. It’s where good habits are made, bad habits are broken, & situations are played out. A player should make the best of practice because how you perform at practice directly translates into games. It is important to take practice seriously to help build the proper mental & physical necessities.
What do you worry about, and why?
• I have four nieces and four nephews that I love unconditionally. I worry mostly about being the best role model I can be for them.
Give me an example of when you failed at something. How did you react and how did you overcome failure?
• It was my sophomore year of college and we were playing West Virginia State University. The game was on the line and it was the last drive of the game, the only way for us to win was for our defense to get another stop. I got beat on a double move which tied the game and forced us into overtime. I felt like I failed myself & my team. After finishing the game as hard as I could, I told myself that would never happen again. From that point forward I’ve practiced more, trained harder, and focused more on my craft. I still think about that play to this day and tell myself that if I ever feel defeated, my next move just has to be better and stronger. In my eyes, by experiencing failure, it’s just helping me take a step in the right direction.
What do your teammates say is your best quality?
• The energy I bring to the table every day. My natural instinct to lead, so I can be loud or simply lead by example. If I ever see a teammate in a bad mindset I always do my best to lift them into better spirits. Any player’s mindset can either set back or help prevail the football team. They would call me a spark plug because I always find a way to get the team going if the practice were to start off too slow. No matter what was going on in my life outside of football, my team knew they could count on me to give a 110% in all things related to football.
Who is the best player you have ever played against in college?
• Jaleel McLaughlin RB for Notre Dame College
What would your career be if you couldn’t play football?
• I would most likely be somewhere within the teaching field. I love interacting with people and influencing them in a positive way. A teaching job with a coaching position would be where I believe I can serve my community & future generations to the best of my ability.
Room, desk and car – which do you clean first?
• Room
If there was a disaster and you could either save three strangers or one family member, which would you choose and why?
• I would want to save my family member because we grew up knowing and saying we’re all we got so if we need each other I wouldn’t think twice, but if I could I would save all three because realistically three lives is more than one whether it’d be a sacrifice to my family or not.
If you could be any television or movie character, who would you be and why?
• Bruce Wayne (Batman) because no matter the situation or the challenge that is placed in front of him he always seems to have an answer or find a solution to get out of any situation that isn’t ideal.
Tell me about your biggest adversity in life and how you’ve dealt with or overcome it?
• My biggest adversity in life has always been school. The work ethic way always there but my studying & test taking skills weren’t always the best. I had to work hard in school to accomplish all that I have.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
• My junior year of college we had morning runs, and I just got a new puppy. I was playing wit the puppy the night before and chasing him around the house. I stubbed my foot against the wall and the pain so bad I was unable to practice for a week. I told the coaches what happened and the coach made me tell my story in front of the whole team everybody laughed at me.
What was the most memorable play of your collegiate career?
• I would say my first forced fumble I created because I also recovered it versus Walsh State University during the first play of scrimmage. I read the run and ran through two blockers, untouched, to knock the ball right out the running backs hands.
What song best describes your work ethic?
• Forever – Drake, Kanye, Lil Wayne
What is the most important trait you can have (Physical or Non-Physical) to help you succeed at the next level?
• Adaptability, being able to mentally comprehend & physically perform anything new a coach could throw at you.
If you could bring one person back from the dead for one day, who would it be and why?
• My Aunt Doris, she was the backbone of my family and she loved seeing me succeed in anything I was trying to accomplish. She was always so encouraging to everyone in my family to follow our dreams, so I just wish I could have her here to see how far I’ve made it.
If you were to open a dance club, what would you name it?
• I would name it Hangman’s
Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
• Marcus Williams, New Orleans Saints
Would you rather be liked or respected, and why?
• Respected because respect is earned not just given. I believe that being respected by individuals will take you further in life than just being liked.
What player who had his career derailed by off-field issues do you feel for the most and why?
• Josh Gordon, he had so much raw talent & wanted to prevail in football so bad, he just couldn’t leave his bad habits behind. I hope he can bounce back and take control of his own destiny for the next shot he gets. I’m rooting for him.
Do you love to win, or hate to lose?
• Hate to lose
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
• My parents because they are two of the hardest working people I have ever seen in my life. No matter what obstacles are thrown their way, they find a way to get over under, through, or around by any means. Seeing the hustle and drive in them is where I get my work ethic from. It’s encouraged me to out work my competition & conquer all battles in my life because I watched them do it for me. No matter how busy they may have been, they never failed to go above and beyond for me and my sisters or be there when we needed them.

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