Meet XFL Prospect: Josh Thornton, CB, DC Defenders

Josh Thornton has officially made the DC Defenders roster, and the former Southern Utah cornerback sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds writer Justin Berendzen for this amazing interview. While the XFL is half way through the season, Josh recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds. You can follow Josh on Twitter @1_JRT_1
1. What do you want Defenders fans to think of you?
Just a player that plays hard and fast and does his job
2. What is your favorite drink?
Body Armor
3. What is your favorite XFL rule?
The punt rule I guess
4. What is your goal for this season and beyond?
Win and put good stuff on tape
5. What is your favorite snack?
Reeses Cups
6. If you could live anywhere in the world where and why?
“The crib” Florida
7. What is your favorite TV show?
8. Who is your favorite superhero?
9. If you were on an island and could only have 3 things which 3 things would you have and why?
Water, fire and a boat to get off the island
10 . What is your dream car?
Mercedes Benz 650 coupe
11. If you had to play another sport what other sport would you play?
12. If you were an animal which animal would you be and why?
Cheetah.. cause life would be too easy you can’t catch but I can catch whatever

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