Free Agent Prospect Interview: Caleb Stennis, RB, The Spring League

- Name: Caleb Stennis
- Height: 5’9
- Weight: 208
- Position: RB/KR/WR
- College: Robert Morris University(FCS)/Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Twitter: @StennisCaleb
• Tell us about your hometown, and what you love most about it?
My hometown is Fort Worth, Texas. Honestly there’s just nothing like Texas. I’ve traveled all over the U.S for various reasons throughout my life and I can honestly say, in my opinion, Texas, specifically whats called the dfw area (dallas fort worth) has the best food, the best weather, the most beautiful women, and the best cost of living. I mean i met my wife in my hometown. Its near Dallas, one of the biggest most popular cities in the U.S.I could go on. Theres just too many things I love about where I’m from to pin point one.
• List these three in order of importance and why: Film Study, Strength and Conditioning and Practice?
1. Film studyIf we’re talking about the higher levels of football, the college and pro levels, film study and practice go hand in hand. You need to see what you need to do, or what you did not do, or what what mistakes you made. Equally important, you need to study the tendencies of your opponents and how to exploit them. There is no improvement without consistent self analysis. Film is the key to this. You could be practicing all day long…but if your practicing the wrong technique because you don’t study yourself..then the jokes on you. 2. Practice. After you’ve figured out where your going wrong and worked out strategies in the film room, then you need repetition. Football is a game of repetition and muscle memory. Things are happening so fast that the only way your going to be able to react in the correct way is if you what your supposed to do in the scenario is programmed into your body through practice. 3. Being strong and well conditioned is a given. A prerequisite.
• What do you worry about, and why?
Honestly I don’t worry about anything. I just pray about everything.
• Give me an example of when you failed at something. How did you react and how did you overcome failure?
My mother always taught me, “we never fail, we just learn how to win.” This has always been my mindset. In high school, my first year running track ever which was my sophomore year, my fastest 100m was like a 12 second something time. Laughable. The next year I timed a 10.9 and ran in the state championship as the anchor for our schools 4x100m. I still own my high schools record 40 time of 4.34. I’ve overcome countless situations in my football career. I could go on for awhile.
• What do your teammates say is your best quality?
Some would say its my speed. Others would say its my work ethic or leadership. Some would say its my relentlessness. Some would say a combination of these things in one way or another.
• Who is the best player you have ever played against in college
Honestly, there was no one player that I thought was just head and shoulders above the rest.
• What would your career be if you couldn’t play football?
I could’ve been doing any number of things. I performed at the Apollo theater in harlem in highschool as the singer in a 3 man group. I was a trained physician recruiter. I grew up drawing and selling comics playing with the idea of being an artist or an author. I still do a great deal of video editing and things like that. I went to school for exercise science ,completed 2 internships in sports performance, and obtained 3 certification along the way.I’m heavly involved in ministry as me and my wife have a small ministry. I think I could’ve went in any one of those directions…but i ultimately at some point or another would’ve still ended up in ministry for the Lord.
• Room, desk and car – which do you clean first?
Room definitely.
• If there was a disaster and you could either save three strangers or one family member, which would you choose and why?
I would attempt to outhink the situation and save them all. But, if it came down to it, I’d probably save one family member.
• If you could be any television or movie character, who would you be and why?
When I was younger, I loved spiderman. I used to pretend to crawl on walls and jump off tall structures landing in a crouch. I had all his toys and video games…. but now, I wouldn’t want to be any character. I like being me.
• Tell me about your biggest adversity in life and how you’ve dealt with or overcome it?
In summer of 2015, I was recruited to transfer to the #2 Junior College in the country at that time, Trinity Valley CC, from Tyler Junior College after transferring down from Robert Morris (FCS). I wasn’t going to go, but I decided that it would be a better opportunity for me to get bigger offers so that I could go back to a d1, so I transferred during the summer. That same summer, i was invited to a University of Tennessee, Knoxville football camp, jumped a 10’4, and ran a 4.4. UT. Knoxville was looking at me, south Carolina gamecocks, I spoke to the RB coach of UT austin personally, etc. I hired a recruiter to help me. I had a great deal of potential opportunities lined up. Unfortunately, I was forced to sit out that year because of the 10 man-out-of- state transfer rule. The recruiter i had paid $500 would not take my calls. Still, I dominated in practice everytime i touched the field and towards the end of the year, I made a “highlight” video of this. I emailed my tape out to colleges over 1000 times in waves in about a 2 month span. I gained a great deal of interest from all levels. Minnesota state university, mankato flew me out for an official visit in December and worked me out. I ran a 2.62 20, 4.15 short shuttle, jumped a 10’2 broad, and benched 225 21 times. The football team and the track team both offerred me scholarships and i ended up getting basically a full ride. Throughout my juco year in 2015,I was struggling. I slept on an air matress. And many nights, I had nothing to eat but a protein shake. I drove 70 miles to and from school everyday from where I lived. Some days i had to call the coach to tell him i couldn’t make it because i did not have gas money. I overcame alot that year.
• What is your most embarrassing moment?
My true freshman year in college, we were in a large meeting of two position groups. One of the coaches was lashing out at everybody, cussing everyone out… just angry because we were losing. He said something that i didn’t quite hear so i turned and quitely asked a teammate what he said. He instantly pointed me out and started cursing me out, under the impression that i was talking slick about him. He kicked me out of the meeting really for no reason. Everybody was dead silent.
•What was the most memorable play of your collegiate career?
No one particular play I’d point out.
• What song best describes your work ethic?
I like the song “imma go getter” by Lil Wayne
• What is the most important trait you can have (Physical or Non-Physical) to help you succeed at the next level?
A strong desire. That desire will drive you to do things most people wouldn’t do and sustain you through circumstances most people could not stomach. •
If you could bring one person back from the dead for one day, who would it be and why?
I would bring back Jesus so he could track me how to walk in his anointing.
• If you were to open a dance club, what would you name it?
I wouldn’t open one.
• Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
Dak Prescott.
• Would you rather be liked or respected, and why?
Respected ofcourse. Whether you love me, or you hate me, you cannot ignore your respect for me. Respect is a form of honor. To be honored is more important than to be liked.
• What player who had his career derailed by off-field issues do you feel for the most and why?
Josh Gordon because i see that he is bound by a spirit of addiction. And, even with all that money and support around him, he still has not received the deliverance he needs.
• Do you love to win, or hate to lose?
I love to win. I see losing as learning.
• Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
My mother without a doubt. She raised me by myself and without her, I would not be the strong leader I am today.

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