Rob Gronkowski thinks Tom Brady will still play all 16 games

The New England Patriots are probably more sick of the situation than anyone, but it is still not over. The situation we are talking about is Deflategate. Rob Grankowski was just like the rest of us and thought the entire situation was over, but it did not happen.
Rob Gronkowski feels his QB will still play all 16 games. Brady was supposed to be suspended four games last season, but the ban was vacated by Judge Richard Berman. The suspension was reinstated last month, but Brady can choose to petition the decision to the second circuit court “en banc.” So what will happen this time? The way it is looking, Gronk might be right.
“I was actually surprised. It was a surprise to everyone,” Gronkowski said on ESPN. “I thought it was totally done and it was crazy to see it happen again. It’s kind of getting stupid to the point where it’s at now. Why it’s still going on now …
“I think he’s going to play 16 games again. That’s the way it’s been going on, that’s the way it’s worked, so hopefully that’s true.”

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