The man that shot #Saints DE Will Smith shot him 8 Times in the back

According to a report that just came out and the Autopsy, Cardell Hayes does not sound like an innocent man. I know this is just one side of the story, but this is bad…
Cardell Hayes pumped bullet after bullet into Will Smith’s back, the attorney for Smith’s wife said Wednesday, then stood over the fallen Saints star’s dead body to let out a remorseless yell, according to a report.
Attorney Peter Thomson said Hayes first shot Smith’s wife, Racquel, in both her legs, then turned his .45-caliber handgun on her 34-year-old husband, the one she considered her “Superman.”
Smith was protecting his wife during a confrontation in the Lower Garden District late Saturday night after a minor traffic crash, Thomson said, when he was slain by a “cold-blooded murderer.”
The Autopsy shows that Cardell Hayes shot Smith 8 times in the back, which means he could not have been a threat at the moment. Pretty sad story, but it looks like Cardell Hayes committed murder.

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